10 | Longing

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And then there was part 10 💁

I seriously wrote this middle of my psychology and english class

Did I get caught? I never get caught 😂

I don't even understand why we are allowed laptops in class

I can see that half of the class is doing something else in their laptops than writing notes 😂

Like always not proof read

Now to the story

Hope you like it 😇

. . .

It had been already few weeks since Yoongi had last talked or seen Jimin. The two weeks had gone slowly to Yoongi. After being bullied and abused many many times in these last two weeks Yoongi was feeling even more lonely and desperate for companion. Jimin had brought something little to his life and now it was gone, just because of him and he hated it.

He was kind of missing Jimin's warmness and energy. At least that had been something positive in his life beside Jimin, until he pushed him away.

He had searched and looked Jimin few times, longing after him and it could even be seen in his face, but when he saw Jimin looking him, all he could see was anger. That was killing Yoongi.

He was sitting in abandoned music room. He took his old notebook out of his bag and ripped a page out of it. He looked the paper while remembering Jimin and started to write into it.

Yoongi let the breath out of his mouth that he had been holding while writing the letter. He read it once again few times before grumbling it into a ball and putting it into his bag 'I can never give this to him' He sighed sadly and rested his head to a piano that was right in front of him. It was his habit. When he was feeling sad, lonely, awful, desperate or he was missing something or someone, he would come to this room, to this piano.

He raised his head from the piano and put his fingers to the keys. He was feeling them, breathing them, just sucking all the calmness from it to himself. He closed his eyes and started to play the most sorrowful tune he had ever played. It was mirroring his pain to the beating and abuse, it was mirroring his feeling of missing Jimin and his mother. Missing the touch of the rosegold haired boy. The smooth and heavenly voice he wanted to hear. He just played his sorrow through playing the piano. He poured his inside in the music. He felt free while doing this.

What Yoongi didn't know was the boy that was sitting behind the classrooms door and listening him playing, tears forming in his eyes when listened the sad tune. It was hurting his heart and all he wanted to do was to go and hug Yoongi but he couldn't. He had promised to him to just leave him alone and never interact with him again. Jimin just wanted to help the boy, break his ice and help him from what ever he was suffering from. He rested his head to the door and closed his eyes just drifting himself into the tune that was slowly coming to it's end.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes which were full of tears. He was ending the song that he was playing. He had poured all his emotions into it, for now at least. But it wasn't enough, his tears just streamed through his face and he broke down. First he just sniffled trying to wipe the tears away but it was hopeless, Next he just started to cry fully. He couldn't handle it. It did hurt so much. Physically and mentally, He just wanted the other boys energy and happiness around him to get himself out of this hell everyone called life.

When Jimin heard the cries of the other boy, he was hesitating. Should he go and held him, to help him so he wouldn't cry like that. But he felt like something was holding him down. It was the promise to never have anything to do with Yoongi. He was biting his lower lip, pondering what to do. The next big cry from Yoongi made his mind. He stood up from the floor and looked the door. He slowly opened it and walked towards Yoongi. The other raised his face from his hands and looked Jimin with confusion. He didn't understand why Jimin was there but he didn't care. Once he felt Jimin's hands wrap around him he just started to cry even more.

Jimin wrapped Yoongi's shoulders and his head to his chest. Jimin stroked Yoongi's hair while whispering comforting words in his ear "Shhh, just breath slowly. Everything is alright. I'm here. Just breath"

Jimin was quite confused why the older boy was this kind of mess. He didn't understand what was wrong with him or how he could help him. He just didn't know what to do. What had happened to make Yoongi to cry like that

. . .

It had taken Jimin a long time to calm Yoongi down but once he finally managed to do it he just tried to smile to the boy. "Hey, how are you beautiful" He was drying Yoongi's last tears.

Yoongi just laughed little, not fully reaching his lips or eyes "I'm not beautiful, I'm mess"

"Mmhmm" Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes and said with a confident "But you are a beautiful mess"

This made finally a little smile reach to Yoongi's lips. It was good to hear Jimin's voice and gentle words.

"Do you wanna talk about it" Jimin let go of Yoongi and let his hands o fall into his lap. He could see Yoongi just shaking his head. He was tired from all the crying. he also didn't want to break the other one's impression of himself. He just wanted to stay the perfect him Jimin had imagined he was. He didn't want Jimin to see the broken boy.

Yoongi lowered his head and landed it on Jimin's shoulder. "Just let me stay like this little more and I will pull myself together" he nuzzled his head into the crook of Jimin's neck, feeling the warmth of his skin and hearing the beating of his heart.

"Your heart beat is quite calming" He said while closing his eyes, feeling the heaviness and the exhaustion from crying. He could feel how Jimin's heart started to beat faster when hearing his words. It just brought smile to his face. This was what he was missing and longing for so much.

He sighed sadly after few minutes had gone "Okay I'm okay now" He raised his face away from Jimin and got away from JImin's hands that had gotten around him once again. He smiled kindly to Jimin "Thank you" He said with sincerity and fluffed Jimin's hair.

"We should go to the class" He started to walk towards the door but Jimin stopped him. Gripping his wrist and looking straight into his eyes "Are you okay?"

Yoongi just smiled sadly to Jimin and slightly fondled Jimin's cheek "As much as possible" Then he let go and just walked out of the room with heavy steps, with his heavy bag around his shoulder. Leaving Jimin alone into the classroom, looking after him, feeling like he had to do something to save the boy. He wanted to save him. He needed to save him.

"Just wait. I will save you. I'm hear now and I will be hear forever" Jimin said softly after Yoongi who had disappeared. He didn't want to see anymore tears in the other boy's face. He was going to do something, but first he had to repair their friendship.

. . .

So this was quick one

Maybe I hurried this.

Should I write part 10 again from the beginning

I wanted to write something sad and heavy without beating or self-harm so this is what I wrote then

I had this one vision in my mind but I'm not sure how well I did portray it here but hopefully I did it well

Hope you liked it

Until next Time

Hopefully soon

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