25 | Darkness

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Fifth update of the day

Here we have part 25


What do you think of this?

Is it going too slow or too fast?

I Hope you like this

Now to the story

. . .

Yoongi was laying in the bathroom floor while the shower was pouring hot water all over him. It had been a long day once again. He had gone through horrible things that he wasn't even able to describe. They were just so awful. He had once again felt really filthy after his father had stopped his play. He just wanted to wash it all away and think it never even happened.

Yoongi had stopped talking and showing any emotion at all even if he felt something. He was just practically half dead. He didn't eat even nearly enough and he didn't take care of himself. Who would at his position. He had already lost his hope that he would be saved one day. That he would see Jimin and the boys ever again. Every day was the same. He had grown numb to it all in one way. 

At first he had counted how long he had been there but now he was already lost at the count and seriously speaking he didn't care anymore. It wasn't like he would get out of there either way. Just day after day the same routine that was slowly killing him.

Yoongi had one thing in the day he liked. This one little routine that he knew Jimin wouldn't like at all.

Everyday once his father had left him alone after all the things he did to him Yoongi would crawl his way to his bathroom and search for his stash. And what was in it? The one thing that has never let him down. The one thing that would always take away everything painful for sometime. The one thing he always resorted to if anything was going really badly. The one and only razor blade.

He searched it under his bathroom carpet. Once he found it he kept adoring it. It was so beautiful. Shining in the light that was hitting it. The dried blood giving it some deeper meaning and memories. He loved to see how its sharp blade would make beautifully clean cuts over his milky white skin. He loved seeing the deep red blood giving some color to his body that wasn't purple, blue, green or yellow. 

He loved this temporary cure he would use to get himself out of this place.

He put the blade over his thigh and started to make new cut, making new scar to his body.

It had become his new goal, to cover his body with those beautiful scars HE himself created, not his father.

While he had started to lose himself when he had started to cut himself he had slowly started to also cut deeper and deeper over the time. Slowly getting to the point of killing himself.

He had few times almost succeeded in it but his father had noticed it and prevented it. He wasn't going to let go of his favorite toy. Not now. Not ever.

Yoongi felt like he was going to be the prisoner of this darkness forever

. . .

This is really short


I still Hope it was enough and good one

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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