24 | The Truth Is Revealed

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Update number four of the day

Here we have part 24

I hope this is still good and not too much or something

Hope you like it

Now to the story

. . .

It was already over two months since Yoongi had disappeared. he boys were even more worried of not hearing from him at all at the time but the boys also had noticed how Jimin had gotten worse when the days went by. Not feeling good and always looking depressed, even more when they brought Yoongi up.

Right now Jimin was spending time with boys. They were at Jimin's apartment because there wouldn't be any adults. They had all the peace they wanted and no one would disturb them.

Jimin was playing with the blanket that he had wrapped around himself. He didn't at first pay attention to the boys conversation but when he heard the name 'Yoongi' being said aloud he stopped himself and started to listen their conversation.

He could hear how the boys were speculating what had happened to the boy. Jimin could actually hear Taehyung saying that maybe Yoongi actually hated their companion. Jimin just shook his head, whispering to himself that that's not it, knowing really well that the boy had loved to be around them, that those moment made a little smile to appear his usual sad face.

"Maybe he really didn't want to be around us" Jin said with little sad voice while playing with his cup of tea.

"Yeah maybe that's the reason he isn't keeping touch with us" Jungkook said while nibbling a bite from his kookie.

Jimin couldn't stay quiet. "That's not it" His voice was loud enough for the boys to hear but he still couldn't look at them in the face.

He knew that the boys weren't thinking the same as him but they didn't know. They still didn't know all the horrible things that were happening to Yoongi.

Namjoon who usually was the most reasonable of them all just scoffed to the boy. "you can't be sure. No one can be"

"Yeah we can never know." Jin tried to calm Jimin down, not knowing that the boy actually could know.

"he maybe just didn't like us or thought that we were too pushy" Taehyung admitted to himself. Remembering the time when he was hanging on Yoongi.

This was all Jimin could take. how could they talk about him like that when they knew nothing. 

Jimin actually ignored the thing that they didn't know anything and yelled at them loudly from his throat. "That's not it!" His eyes were now full of tears while thinking of the other boy.

The others Looked Jimin weirdly. Like he was losing his mind. Hoseok was getting annoyed at Jimin's attitude "Then what is it" He said with a voice that said you better tell me what it is then.

Jimin couldn't say anything. He couldn't, he can't. He just shakes his head not wanting to break the promise to Yoongi. Wanting to savor the thought of the other boy and trying to think that everything was okay with him and nothing bad was happening to him. He couldn't be more wrong.

"You better tell us now if you really know anything" Namjoon said with stern voice, now boring holes into Jimin, wanting to know what he knew.

Jimin was slowly breaking down, tears forming into his eyes. He took a deep breath before answering. "I can't. I promised" The first few hiccups getting through him.

"Jimin you better tell us" Namjoon was getting impatient, not liking how Jimin was acting.

Jimin started to tremble little, not wanting to answer but he knew he couldn't drag it along anymore. He felt the tears in his eyes but decided to swallow them down.

Slowly but quietly he started to tell everything. Everything that had happened and everything that Yoongi had told to him. He could see how the faces of the other boys went from what's happening to No you must be kidding me, tell me that's not true. Jimin just kept going and everyone could see that he was telling the truth.

After pouring it all out Jimin takes a deep breath and let's the first few tears to fall out of his eyes. 

Jin on the other hand was looking him with disbelief in his eyes. "Why in the hell didn't you tell this sooner to us!" He practically yelled to Jimin. Jin stood up and walked to infront of Jimin and gave him a bitch slap. "What were you thinking. What if something really really bad happened to him. Can you handle that? Can you?"

Jimin started to cry even more, finally breaking apart after losing Yoongi, finally letting it all out. He whisper talked that he had promised to Yoongi to never tell anyone. He didn't want to lose the boys trust but now the thought of Yoongi being even more broken was horrifying him. 

Jimin started to repeat I'm sorry over and over again while holding his head.

. . .

And part 24 is done

I hope you liked it

Also what is the favorite hair color your bias has had?

Now I will go and write part 25

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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