44 | More Lies

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"Let's start with that busted lip.". 

After hearing that one short sentence Yoongi could feel how his mood dropped. He really didn't want to talk about the lip or anything that involved around Suho. So he decided to go with little white lie. It wouldn't hurt anybody.

"I just had some stupid argument with some student. I don't even remember their name or what the fight was about.". Yoongi just took sips from his drink like it was nothing. Like he just hadn't lied straight to Jimin's face.

He had to admit that it felt horrible. He didn't want to hide or lie about anything to Jimin but if it kept him and everyone else safe from Suho, it was worth it.

Jimin could feel it in his guts that there was something wrong in this or that Yoongi left something important out of this but he wasn't sure what it was. 

 "Are you sure that's everything?". He looked at the boy skeptically. He really did want to trust the boy but something told him that he was lying about something.

Yoongi on the other hand felt even more guilty. He could hear the doubt in Jimin's voice and he wanted to wipe it away so so much but right now he couldn't. 'Sorry Jimin'.

"Yes I'm sure about it." He gave a slight awkward smile before looking at the ground, now empty cocoa cup in his hands. Oh how much he hated lying to the only person he cared this much.

He hated how much warmth the boy gave to him just by being there and hugging him like this. From behind, hands wrapped gently around him. Just giving him the soothing feeling that everything was okay when he was there, that nothing could harm him. He hated how it stirred something inside himself, something he wasn't sure of what it was. He hated how safe he felt when he was around Jimin and how that made him open up to the boy. He hated how the boy had slowly come into his life and made him trust him, now being unable to live without him and the love he felt from him. He hated it so much how he couldn't be honest to the boy but truthfully he would hate himself even more if something happened to Jimin because of him.

These thought swirled around Yoongi's head, making him even more confused and anxious of what would happen in the future. What will happen when Jimin find out he lied to him? Or what will happen when Suho notices that there are seven new ways to torture him?

He didn't wanna know. He just wanted to stay right here right now, at this position. Staring at the floor while Jimin had his warm arms around himself.

Jimin on the other hand could sense the chance in Yoongi. It was like a thick cloud suddenly surrounded Yoongi, taking him to lands beyond his reach. 

He could see how Yoongi was avoiding the truth of what had happened and how it made him even more shut down at the moment.

Right now he decided to let it go for the moment. Just for tonight. He would start to look into it more tomorrow and the others would probably help him without even thinking twice. it wasn't like he would let this go. Not at all. He would make end of it, whatever it was. But right now he just decided to keep Yoongi in his arms, giving him all the love and warmth he could and help him sleep without any nightmares, easing his pain that he still carried around in his shoulders.

. . .

Sorry this took so long, I had a big writers block and I finally was able to write something that is okay at least.

I will start writing more now that I have more clear path ahead of me finally

But right now I'm going to sleep, it's 5.31Am at the moment and my school day starts in little over seven hours

I Hope you liked this

Until Next time

Hopefully Soon

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