37 | New Look

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Part 37 ladies and gentlemen

This is just little filler (Once again), that I made while I'm terribly sleepy

I hope you like it

. . .

Yoongi was now sleeping in Jimin's arms. Happy with everything around him. He was feeling so good after a long time and the feeling of having Jimin right in there was making him lull into the dreamland and for once it was really pleasant dream.

Jimin on the other hand was stroking Yoongi's hair and looking the boy. He just didn't have the power to not look at him. All his thoughts were full of the boy who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

 And the kiss. It was still playing over Jimin's head. That kiss had been something else. Jimin could tell it right away. There was no fighting over it. It had been long and careful kiss but at the same time it had been the perfect. And then there was the memory of the moment when he finally detached his lips from Yoongi's and he heard that sinful whimper leave from the boy. It played over and over in his head. 

From Yoongi's perspective he hadn't wanted to stop yet when he felt Jimin's lips leave his but he just didn't dare to say it out loud. It was like a secret wish he didn't want to say out loud. Even if he made a sound that told everything he felt at the moment.

Jimin just kept looking the boy until the sleep reached him and made him fall asleep, Yoongi in his arms.

. . .

"Seriously, we have to do something to your hair" Jungkook said while moving Yoongi's hair around.

"Why?" Yoongi asked confused while he was doing his homework. He was planning to go back to school soon and that's why he and the boys were having a study group for Yoongi, so he could catch everybody from the 2-3 months worth of school work. It wasn't easy at all. He was getting frustrated when he didn't understand something but Namjoon always kept his temper and explained it over and over again until Yoongi would get it.

"Maybe because your color is almost faded out, you have like 3 to 5cm roots and that haircut isn't working anymore with that length" Taehyung answered this time while checking Yoongi's answers for his math problems.

Yoongi took few strand of his hair in his hand and looked them with questioning look. "I think it's fine." 

"No they aren't. New haircut and color would do wonders to you." Jin sat down around the little table in the center on Jimin's apartment, giving Yoongi a hot cup of coffee. 

"You can also think it this way. New haircut and color symbolizing you leaving everything bad behind you and starting a brighter future in front of you. It would be new you, a new start." Jin gave a slight smile to the boy who was now looking into Jin and seriously thinking about that.

"Yeah, that would actually be a great idea" Yoongi almost smiled but still couldn't bring it into his lips. Not yet. "But I don't know what color would suit me." He sighed little sadly, going back to his physics work.

"Boy you don't need to. Leave everything to me and Jin" Hoseok spoke finally, quite excited of the idea of doing a makeover to the boy. Getting rid of that moody look. "We will make you look HOT!" Hoseok's voice was quite sunshiny and Yoongi could see the smirks on his and Jin's face. Little scared what would be done to him.

With uncertainty in his voice he agreed to it. "Fine."

"YESH!" Came from Jin and Hoseok when they high five each other.

. . .

"Are you guys absolutely sure you know what you are doing" Yoongi was asking a millionth time when the boys were mixing some lighteners and colors behind Yoongi's back. They hadn't told what they were going to do the boy. Only that it was going to be a surprise.

"I'm saying this a millionth time already. Yes we do know what we are doing now shut up" Jin said while parting Yoongi's hair. Getting ready to section and start applying the lightener into his hair, removing the old mint out of the way and getting the hair even color before applying the actual color.

"Just trust us" Hoseok gave a big smile to Yoongi before he started the project named Yoongi's hair.

. . .

"Wow, it's perfect" Yoongi was looking his reflection from the mirror and he had to admit, the boys had done really good job. Screw it they had done amazing job. The color and new haircut were amazing and looked perfect. He liked what he looked at the moment. Yoongi gave a small, quick smile to his reflection that nobody catches. 

With a quiet voice he whispered to himself "So this is the new me."

. . .

So what do you think the color will be?

I know this is little short but, yeah

Hope you still liked it

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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