4 | Lunch

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Fourth part already 😱

Definitely not proof read 😅

just try to enjoy it 😇

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After Yoongi's fourth period, it was now lunch time. He had done his best to avoid Jimin and the others. He knew that he had to talk to them but at the same time he was afraid of them. There was a huge possibility that they would be exactly like Suho and his gang. He shook his head at the thought. There was no way in hell he wanted another Suho in his life. That would be the last draw. He looked around him carefully so that if he saw any of them he could hide away.

There were lots of students in the halls walking towards the cafeteria. If you looked closely you could see teachers here and there. Everyone was talking to their friends and having a good time. Everyone except Yoongi. Once he reached the cafeterias doors he slightly pushed them open. He scanned the room briefly but for now he didn't spot Jimin. He felt how his body relaxed little. He took his headphones from the right pocket and put them to his ears. While walking towards the food he put some music to play on shuffle from his phone.

. . .

Jimin sitting in a table with his friends in the cafeteria. He looked at his plate. The school really didn't know how to make good food but you could handle it once you got used to it. He watched how his friends joked around and were having fun while playing with their food.

Jimin's focus broke from his friends when he saw a mint haired boy to walk into the cafeteria. He noticed how the other one was scanning the room. why was the other so nervous? was all that was going through Jimin's head. He could see how the other one suddenly relaxed when he didn't find what he was looking for. 'What's making you so nervous?' Jimin rested his head to his hand and stared the other boy with little sparks in his eyes. 'This will be interesting' A little smile crept its way to Jimin's lips.

. . .

Once Yoongi had reached the end of the line and was getting his food he looked little disgusted. 'This again' No matter how hungry and badly he needed to eat, he never was not amazed how the canteen could mess up such simple foods. He took his tray and started to walk towards the tables. He was looking for an empty table but before he could even find one he spotted the boy with red hair. There he was, right in front of Yoongi, looking straight into his eyes. There was the boys he had tried his best to avoid. There was Jimin who locked gazes with Yoongi.

This made him halt in his steps. He didn't see anything in the other boys gaze that he was expecting to see, but what he did see was curiosity. He shook his head abruptly and searched the room hurriedly, finally spotting one empty table. It was in the back of the cafeteria, in the far away corner. That suited Yoongi well, he would have his own peace and he would be as far away from Jimin's group and possibly too from Suho's group. He started to walk to the table and once he was next to it he settled his tray on to it and sat down.

He could see that the wooden table wasn't in the best condition but who was he to complain, it was perfect to him. He looked his food before he started to eat. This was perfect enough for him. He didn't need fancy tables or fancy food. He just needed an environment where he could survive.

. . .

Jimin looked straight into the other boys eyes. When Yoongi had noticed him, he could see that he got little nervous. Jimin was confused by the others reaction. he hadn't done anything to him or to anyone else so why was he so agitated when he saw him. Jimin only got more and more curious of the boy every time he laid his eyes to him. Even after Yoongi looked away Jimin still kept his gaze in the other boy, never breaking it. He looked curiously how Yoongi walked away from him.

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