13 | Help Me

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And now we have part 13

I won't be writing any texting for a while 'cause my phone is going crazy and always when I try to edit the text without the annoying gap or try to put some emojis, it will fuck everything else in the story.

I literally spent an hour fixing the last parts text before I uploaded it 'cause my phone fucked everything up in it

I just wanted to throw everything away and never do it again

so that's why I spent a one day away from this and won't do anymore texting for a while

Sorry for the rant

WARNING:a short part of abuse will be here

Now to the story

I Hope you like it

. . .

It was Wednesday afternoon, school had already ended and Yoongi was walking towards his home and he wasn't feeling good. His stomach was acting up and that was just because he wasn't sure what to do. His head was a mess. He had promised to see Jimin this weekend and spend a day with him but there was just this one problem. He had to ask permission first from his father to even go out that day. Would he really risk his body for an another beating just to spend a day with Jimin. And if he did want to spend that time with Jimin he should ask the permission soon, he didn't want to be half dead and limping around the boy.

So this was his problem. What to do? Ask permission from his father and get beaten up or let Jimin down. Both choices sounded equally horrible. He just didn't know what to do.

With his trembling hands he dig his phone out of his pocket and started to type to Jimin, thinking of cancelling the plan with Jimin.

However when it came to the point SEND, he couldn't do it. He just couldn't push that button. He didn't want to let the boy down.

No matter how much he loved bickering with JImin, he still couldn't let the boy down.

"Aish!" He started to ruffle his hair with both hand feeling so conflicted with all of this.

"I can do it" He tried to convince himself and get some courage.

"Hwaiting" He made his hands into a fist and signaled himself that he could do this.

With this new kind of self-confidence he started to walk to home once again, going to encounter his father.

. . .

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Yoongi could hear the rage in his fathers voice but right now he couldn't focus on how mad he was.

He was trying to focus on anything else than he burning pain around his neck for not being able to breath.

He felt how the air in his lungs was escaping and he just couldn't breath anymore. The belt was blocking the air of it's ways for travelling and giving some ease to Yoongi. He was feeling like he didn't have any power over his body anymore.

It had become his fathers new favorite way of torturing Yoongi. To see if the boy could stay consciousness or would he black out while he was strangling him with his belt.

"I won't let you run away from me" He tightened his grip of the belt, using little more strength. "Never!"

Yoongi had tried to loosen the belt around his neck but when he felt it tightening around his neck he started to panic.

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