35 | The Story Of Boy Named Park Jimin

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Part 35 ladies and gentlemen

So here you guys have it

Hope you like it

. . .

After saying that one word little word. Just one word, Yoongi had slowly started to speak more and more again. 

He liked spending time with the guys and actually ask and talk of their lives and how they were. However he still was reluctant to talk about himself. To everyone but Jimin.

Those two had started this one little thing. Every night before falling asleep Jimin would wrap Yoongi in to this fluffy blanket and give him a hot cocoa with marshmallows and whip cream. Then Jimin would slide his hands around the boy and let Yoongi talk to him as long as he wanted, about anything he wanted.

Both Jimin and Yoongi loved and appreciated these private moments. No one around them. Just the two of them.     

There were some nights Yoongi would just talk about thing he liked like art and music but then there were the night he would talk to Jimin about his life and what it had been with his father. 

There was also times when Yoongi didn't want to talk, he only wanted to be close to the boy. Those times were Jimin's turn to tell about things that he liked or something else from his life. And this night was one of them. Only this night Jimin started telling a story. The story of boy called Park Jimin.

"Once upon a time there was a boy named Park Jimin..." Ans so Jimin started the story. The story of the boy who had had everything. A loving family, a warm house, popularity in school and the best friends. At least it had seemed like that. 

At one point everything just had to go to the south. His parents company went to bankruptcy, his friends suddenly didn't want to be his friends anymore, the just had been after his money. People in school looked down to him because now he was just nobody. His family lost their lovely home but those things still didn't even come close to the most horrible thing that soon would took a place in his life. A small decision, his parents made that changed the life of 15 years old Jimin permanently. 

It was the 19th of march, 2014. All around Jimin could see this beautiful white thin blanket of snow. Jimin was trying to catch every snowflake with his tongue while dancing under the snowfall. He was enjoying his life even though everything had crumbled down but at least he still had his family. He was trying to catch this one very beautiful snowflake when he heard his father calling him. Telling that it was time to come to the car. They were going to go to a trip together. The whole family. That's what his parents had told to him and his little sister. He looked through the windows how they left their hometown and started their journey. Jimin was waiting with sparkling eyes, trying to figure out what trip his parents had planned. It had taken a few hours in the car drive and Jimin had already started to get sleepy. He had seen how the trees had started to turn white. He liked this view so much so he let himself to fall asleep. Happy with the thoughts of his family and the beautiful view all over him. Sadly that would be the last one with these people.

Next thing Jimin knew was that he woke up feeling extremely cold suddenly. When he looked around he couldn't see anything. It was black all around, there was not even little ray of light any where. He could feel how there was water all around surrounding, all the way to his neck, almost to his face already. He started to panic moment by moment more when he felt the water raising up and up and up. He was trying to find his baby sister who was only 10 years old and his parents but he couldn't see anything at all. Then the water covered everything. He couldn't breath anymore. There was no more air left and slowly he lost his consciousness.

Next time Jimin opened his eyes he was in this white room full of light and machines beeping around him. He could feel this tube that went through his nose and other that went through his mouth to his windpipe. He suddenly started to cough loudly which made the machines around him started to beep even louder and soon there was a nurse next to him, taking the long tubes out of him. When they were away he could breath freely once again and he took few deep breaths. The nurse started to ramble about his condition but he couldn't understand anything that was told to him. Well almost anything. Only thing he did understood was that that machine he was plucked in had been ventilator which had been keeping him alive when he couldn't breath himself.

It took days to his health to come back to him and the first thing he asked was where was his family. He had seen those sad and pitying faces. 

The news had broken the boy. His family was dead. He had lost his mother and father and also his lovely 10 years old baby sister. But the most horrifying thing was when he found out through the news that his parents had tried to kill him with them. A family suicide. Luckily he had survived because of the driver that had been behind his parents but sadly he had lost everyone else. 

After that Jimin's life was a mess. Not even one relative that would be alive so he had to start working, he also had school that he had to finish and to find a roof over his head. Then there were the therapy sessions. Everything seemed like a hell to the boy. He lived his life day by day until he met Namjoon and Jin. Those two helped him back to his feet and have been next to him since then.

This was the sad story of the boy named Park Jimin who everyone thought that had it easy without his family breathing in his neck. The truth however was something else.

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I seriously need some fluffiness into this story

Maybe next one should be dedicated to just fluffiness and Yoonmin relationship.
What do you guys think?

Hope you liked this one

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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