45 | Searching For Clues

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Jimin had been searching for clues with Taehyung and Jungkook all day long but they found nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.

It was making them feel different kind of feelings. Jimin was angry, Jungkook was frustrated while Taehyung still hadn't lost the hope.

They just needed to look from the right places or ask from right people but they hadn't had that luck yet. Especially when the mayority of the school didn't want to speak when it came to Yoongi. They still thought of him as a loser and a freak who deserved to die. They didn't understand why Jungkook and the others would even want to associate or be friends with Yoongi. It just felt wrong to them. They thought that Yoongi didn't belong to their group.

And sometimes, Yoongi felt that too. He felt like outsider invading something that was perfect already before him.

However Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung or any of the guys didn't think like that. They though Yoongi as one of them. As one of their brother and that's why it was so important to them to find out what had happened to the boy.

There they were. Three boys in an empty classroom, talking and thinking hard, trying to figure out the truth while Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok kept their eyes on Yoongi.

Jungkook was sitting in one of the desks while resting his head in his hands, feeling most helpless of them all. Usually he was fast to catch up on things so it was making him lose confidence in himself when he had absolutely nothing.

But then there was Jimin. The usually cheery and bubbly boy with his amazingly warm smile, slowly losing his temper with everything. No one was telling anything and Yoongi was lying straight to his face. This little fact was the most poisonous of them all. He just needed to know something, he just needed someone to open up their mouth.

Taehyung on the other hand was watching how Jimin and Jungkook were suffering. He really wanted to help them over this distress but the only way was to keep going forward and searching clues and not just mope when everything doesn't go how they wanted. Taehyung rested his hands to Jungkook's shoulders,giving him a slight massage while watching Jimin who was leaning against the wall, his back towards the two.

"This is hopeless. No one knows anything. We are just going in circles" The anger in Jimin was growing every passing second and it was slowly eating him up. He really needed those answers

"Don't be like that. We will find something, just don't give up yet." Taehyung was trying his best to keep up the hope that those two were slowly losing but these two were so stubborn sometimes that it felt that nothing went through their ears. Well he was like that too.

"Can you like NOT be so optimistic sometimes." Taehyung could see how Jungkook rolled his eyes to him while being the little asshole he was. This little devil would get it one day. He will make sure of it.

"Oh shut up. We just have to search little more and I'm sure we will find something."

Suddenly there was a loud bang and both Jungkook and Taehyung looked towards Jimin with eyes as big as plates. The boy had just hit his fist to the wall and there seemed to be little crack and some drops of blood.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" Jungkook was screaming to the boy when he ran to him so he could check that the hand was okay. "Just because we have nothing doesn't mean you can start hitting your hand to the wall."

Taehyung just stared this situation with annoyance now. These two are seriously imbeciles and he had had enough.

"That's it! You two can keep mellowing down here and pitying yourself because you can't do even one simple task but I'm going to keep searching because I'm worried of Yoongi and so should you guys be too!"

Now that Jimin and Jungkook had finally woken up from their thoughts, they just saw how Taehyung left them there standing like idiots that they are. They looked each other for few seconds before running after Taehyung. No matter how crazy it sounds but he seemed to be the only sane one at the moment.

"Taehyung wait! We will help"

It felt like million students later when Jungkook stopped one of the so called cool girls. If he remembered right her name was Mina. He knew she hated Yoongi, he had heard her speaking bad about him but he had to check every person possible.

"Hey Mina Right?"

"Yeah" There was this sudden jump in her voice when she realized Jungkook was speaking to him.

The boy looked how she kept batting her eyes like it would make any difference how he saw her. He just slightly shook his head thinking that the girl was crazy. "So do you know what happened to Yoongi? I saw that his lip was busted."

And there it was. The moment he said Yoongi her eyes were full of annoyance. "Oh that" At first it seemed like she wouldn't know anything but when the smirk that was so smug and pleased appeared on her face he thought different. Jimin and Taehyung were now behind Jungkook, interested what the girl would have if she looked like that. They were almost sure that she knew something. And that was soon confirmed by her words.

"Why don't you guys ask Suho"

. . .

So I will chance my updating schedule

From now on I will be updating this on Tuesdays but there will probably be some exceptions

This is because I will start updating my other stories that I will publish this week

Also thank you DEVISLIVINGTRASH for helping me with some points

But I Hope you liked this one

Until Next Time

Hopefully Soon

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