30 | Cuddles

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Okay after this one I will stop for the day

And actually I know why I have the energy to write

School is boring AF

This is also the shortest one ever

Now to the part 30

I Hope you like it

. . .

Yoongi was laying next to Jimin while playing with the hem of Jimin's shirt. He liked how he could be close to Jimin right at the moment and feel that it was safe to be there. Safe to be next to Jimin

Jimin just kept looking at Yoongi, wanting to see everything the boy was doing. Never letting him go away from his view anymore. He loved to watch how Yoongi was uncertain if it was okay for him to come closer to the boy and just decided to play with his shirt. Jimin had missed Yoongi's cute side as well the arrogant little twit he was.

Jimin slided his hand around Yoongi but right away noticed that the small gesture was making Yoongi uncomfortable.

Yoongi didn't know what it was but when Jimin put his hand around him his head went to the alert mode, thinking that something bad was going to happen. That maybe his father was there and it wasn't Jimin.

"Do you want me to take my hand away?" Jimin had barely ended his question when he already was pulling his hand back, away from the boy, not wanting to traumatize him more.

Hearing Jimin's voice was something like magic to Yoongi. When he heard Jimin's voice he was reminded that yeah it wasn't his father but Jimin. The beautiful little mochi who was always worried of him, who was always nice and gentle to him. "N-no.. I-it's just little weird somehow" Yoongi was stuttering and squirming but still pulled Jimin's hand back around him, not wanting it to leave him ever again.

There was silent sigh before Jimin dared to speak again. "Yoongi you don't need to push yourself" And once again he was taking his hand away. He really hated to take it away but he also understood that Yoongi would need some space as well.

"NO!" Yoongi took a strong grip on Jimin's hand and kept it on place not letting it leave him. He was most scared of that. Jimin leaving him alone. "Just give me little time to adjust. I like the way how warm you feel."

Jimin couldn't help the small smile that was creeping into his lips when he left his hand around Yoongi and hold him with endearing touch. However he didn't dare to hug him or put his other around Yoongi, not yet.

Jimin let Yoongi have his own pace to come closer to him. Right now he was enjoying to see Yoongi who was finally able to put his hands around Jimin and hug him tightly. But Jimin still wasn't sure if he could do the same so he decided to wait some more. Not wanting the boy to feel caged and run away.

He could hear the pleased sigh when Yoongi was feeling happy to be close to the boy. To be safe at the moment in his arms.

Jimin slowly sneaked his arms around the boy and pulled him even closer, kissing the temple of Yoongi's head. "Just rest beautiful" Jimin gently slided his right hand into Yoongi's hair and started to stroke it like it was the most soften kittens fur. "You have had a long day" 'More like a long two months' he thought to himself but didn't even dare to say it aloud.

Yoongi buried his head under Jimin's chin and nuzzled into there, enjoying the feeling of Jimin close to him. This time it wasn't hallucination or dream. Maybe. "Are you going to be here when I wake up?"

"Of course I will. I'm not going to leave anywhere" Jimin planted one more soft kiss into Yoongi's hair

"You will really stay with me?" Yoongi closed his eyes and tightened his grip around Jimin, not being entirely sure to trust the boy. He was also scared that this wasn't true after all. That this would also be one of his dreams and wake up to the reality.

"Always" Jimin said with the softest voice possible before hugging Yoongi even more.

"But Snow white, you need sleep. So sleep now. I'm going to stay right here." Jimin said last time before he let the boy to fall into the dreamland not yet realizing that it would be full of nightmares.

. . .

Sorry it's short but whatever

Hope you still liked it

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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