47 | Embarrassment

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Okay I got little excited while writing this

Hope you like it

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Jimin felt how Yoongi suddenly tensed in his arms. It was only a slight movement but Jimin could still feel it. He didn't understand what now had happened. What had he now done wrong?  All these thoughts were causing a storm in Jimin's head and it only confused him even more. He didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could. He kept looking Yoongi through the ends of his now dark grey hair with anxiety all over his face. 

With gently touch he gave a small kiss into the mess of Yoongi's fluffy hair. He hoped this would get the things out of Yoongi's mind that had made him stiffen like that, but he got nothing. It seemed that Yoongi might have even stiffened more in his arms. Jimin was really clueless now of what to do. He could only look the boy while his hand was petting Yoongi's head with warmth and love. He was hoping that Yoongi would get back to normal soon. But Jimin had to admit that he loved the feeling of Yoongi's soft, almost snow white locks around his fingers. It was mesmerizing. 

Yoongi had stopped crying the moment he had heard Jimin's words and was now blinking, confused if he had heard right. He could feel Jimin right there and how the boy held him against his chest. He could feel the slight kiss in his head that send butterflies through his body. 

This little gesture wouldn't have affected Yoongi like this before. Hell they have even done more embarrassing things but now he had heard what Jimin called him and that had changed something inside of him.  He wasn't sure what this feeling was but it was something. Something new and maybe even good. It was making its way to the surface. He could almost taste the word in his mouth what the feeling was called but it wasn't quite there yet. 

Yoongi loved how felt Jimin's hand ran through his hair while trying to make him more eased up and not so petrified. He closed his eyes for few seconds and just enjoyed the moment before finally but surely raising his eyes to look directly into Jimin's sweet brown orbs that were looking straight into him.

"What did you just call me?" He still didn't believe in what he had heard. He still thought he had just imagined it. 

'I was just imagining it. Right?' 

There's no way Jimin had just called him his baby.

With eyes full of questions Yoongi kept his gaze fixed on Jimin.

At first Jimin didn't understand the question. His thoughts were so focused in Yoongi and his eyes that were finally looking towards him. Those eyes that had looked him so many times before. But not like this. There was something else in them. Something more and Jimin just couldn't wrap his fingers into what it was. 

He just kept staring into Yoongi's eyes until it finally hit him.

Jimin could feel how his body started to heat up more and more. There was this hue of pink in his cheeks and he could even feel the tingling in them when the blush became more visible. It was quite obvious that he was embarrassed. How could he let that slip through his lips. How could he be that idiotic.

The word baby itself isn't that bad but calling Yoongi his sweet baby maid it ten times more awkward. It obviously meant something more that they were and they both could feel the tension around them now. 

Those heart beats that had started to fasten. The sweat in their hands while thinking and waiting for answer. This was something so much more.

In these words were every emotion Jimin has ever felt and is feeling towards Yoongi even if he didn't want to admit it. Even if he still wasn't so sure about them. Those words held the truth. They were so pure and unexpected. They had come straight out of his heart. He just let his emotions take over when he said it.

Jimin groaned out loudly while he let go of Yoongi. He was trying his best to hide behind his own hands right now. Why, oh why had he said that aloud? He knew very well that Yoongi wasn't his but he just couldn't help it. He felt like Yoongi was his baby, even if he was trying his best to push this feeling somewhere where he couldn't find it.

Jimin could see between his fingers how Yoongi slightly tilted his head and just looked at him with curiosity and maybe even something more. There was something else in Yoongi's eyes but Jimin didn't know what it was.

Jimin on the other hand felt like he had screwed up, badly. He just felt so embarrassed and now that he was under Yoongi's staring eyes, he just hid his face into his hands more and more while backing away from the other. 

He had to say something. He couldn't make Yoongi to wait forever for his answer. He build up some courage and hastily said the first thing that came in to his mind. 

"I didn't say anything." 

Jimin's voice rose up more and more at the end of his argument. It was obvious to anyone that he was lying but Yoongi wasn't going to tell that to him. His mood had gotten so much better now compared to his earlier one. He liked seeing Jimin squirming and just being cute like this. Just watching Jimin act like this made his smile finally appear into his face.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure I heard you say something" He couldn't help it. Yoongi just had to take everything out of this situation. It wouldn't do anything bad if he teased Jimin a little bit. So with the slight smirk he took few steps closer to Jimin who was trying his best to back off from Yoongi. 

Jimin could see the smirk on Yoongi's face through his fingers and it only made him back away more and more. Of course he was happy that Yoongi was feeling better now but what he didn't like was that he was his prey at the moment. He had just slipped a little bit and now Yoongi was after him.

Suddenly he could feel something hitting his back and he couldn't back away anymore. He knew that he hadn't paid enough attention of where he was backing and now he had gotten against the wall behind him. He was already so nervous because of Yoongi and now he couldn't get away of him. He had trapped himself. This was bad. He could feel how his heart was beating its way out of this world.

Soon he heard the few quiet steps right in front of him. Oh this was so bad. He felt how Yoongi gently hold his hands wrist while pulling his hands away from his face. Jimin knew he was as red as tomato already and this wasn't making the situation any better.

With almost closed eyes he looked how Yoongi leaned his hands to the wall while still holding Jimin's wrist in his hands.  He could feel the hot breath in his right ear when Yoongi spoke once again.

"So what was it little one?"

. . .

Just have to say.... what did I wrote

Like I said I got little excited while writing

Still Hope you liked it

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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