3 | Group Project

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I haven't proof read this and posted this straight after I had wrote the last word. I'm just reaaaally tired right now. Nighty night everyone 😴😴😴

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The next morning was hard to Yoongi. Every part of his body was aching and his head was throbbing informing that it had taken a pretty bad beating yesterday. He could hear in the distance his alarm ringing, telling that it was time to go to school but his eyelids just were too heavy to be opened. He Just quietly let his consciousness sink back into the black nothingness. His body was more than happy, it needed all the energy it could take to try and heal it's old and new bruises and if he was getting beaten this pace his body would give up soon.

. . .

When Yoongi finally woke up again and his body started to cooperate once again He pushed himself out of the cold floor and searched for warm and comforting clothes. His eyelids were still heavy and his eyesight was little foggy but that didn't stop him. He knew that he should already be at school. Once he had changed his clothes and covered his bruises once again with makeup he finally looked at the clock. The first thing that crossed his mind was that he was fucked up. He majorly late. the second period had already started which could only mean he had already missed literature and that his math was going right at the moment.

He hurriedly started to search his school supplies trying to remember where everything was. The thing that caused him gray hair was that he couldn't find his phone and headphones. Once he had those in his hands he looked the mess of his room and decided just to let it be and started to run to the school ignoring all the pain he felt. Even though he had already missed two class he was determined to be on time to the next class, which just his luck happened to be Miss Kim's class. If he was late there he would be royally fucked up.

. . .

It took him about half an hour to get to school and when he finally was there the second period had already ended. To his luck he had five minutes until the third period would start.

When the school bell rang and informed that the next class would start the halls were full of students. Once Yoongi got inside Miss Kim's classroom the third period started like usual. Everyone took their own seat and sat down. He walked to the back of the class next to the window and looked around how people took their supplies out of their bags. There could be seen few seats that were empty telling that people were either sick, late or they were just skipping. One thing was sure, no one ever skipped Miss Kim's class.

The classroom was full of life and people talking to each other but once Miss Kim stepped inside the classroom everyone quieted down. "Good morning everyone!" Miss Kim said while walking to behind her desk. Once she had settled down she looked right towards Yoongi

"Did you remember your assignment mister Min" he just sighed gently while nodding, telling her that he had done it and he had it with him. He started to search his bag for the paper, same time pulling his supplies to his desk. Once he had it in his hands he started to walk to the front of the class. Once he was next to Miss Kim's mahogany desk he handed the paper to her.

"Here" he mumbled quietly, giving a little nod and bow to her before walking back to his seat.

When he was sitting in his chair and looking to the outside world adoring the scenery that opened there he could feel the stares of his classmates on him and that made him shift in his chair. He didn't like the attention he was getting just because he had to do that essay. He hated it. He tried his best to disappear into his chair. He didn't like the attention he was getting from others. He just wanted to be invisible. He pulled his hood over his head and tried to focus on the class even though that took all his ability not to turn his head back to the window.

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