34 | Yes

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And here you have part 34

I didn't have any inspiration while writing this and I have been writing this over and over again almost a week already

I Hope you will like it 

Now to the story

. . .

Yoongi was sitting in the kitchen around the dining table when there was knocking on the front door. He didn't even make a slight movement to go to the door but he knew Jimin would. And that thought was confirmed when he heard the click from the door when Jimin opened it.

At first Yoongi didn't think anything about it but when he heard the shuffling when the quest took their jacket and shoes off he couldn't help but tense up a little bit. He knew it would be one of the boys 'cause one of them would visit daily to check on him but he still felt little uneasy around them. 

Yoongi tried to concentrate to his food when the quest didn't come to him. He was taking bites of his food when he could hear quiet whispering from Jimin and Jin, Yoongi guessed. Only problem was that he couldn't distinguish the words. It was just mumbling that didn't make any sense. 

There was few second of quietness before a light brown haired Jin appeared next to Yoongi. Even if didn't show in his face Yoongi felt proud of himself that he could recognize Jin's voice even if it was just whispering. 

He could see from the corner of his eye how Jin sat down next to him and kept looking at him. He knew that the boy just tried to know if he was any better yet.

While watching Yoongi, Jin was making notes in his head. There were slight chances in him from the last time he had seen the boy. For first he could see that Yoongi had finally took a step out of the hoodies. That was something. Usually he did hide himself into them and from the eyes of everyone. 

The second thing he noticed was how Yoongi had started to eat little more in these weeks inside the house but still not even close to enough. Jin could remember when the boy came to live in Jimin's place how even one bite of the food was a battle. They would fight over every little piece of food that he had to eat but now he was happy to see Yoongi eating even this one meal without fighting and just eating it.

He could see how Yoongi had gotten a little weight back. It had been horrible to see the boy back in the day and how wilted he had become. But luckily he was now starting to look more healthy day by day.

Sadly there still would be the physical and emotional scars but seeing even little process of getting Yoongi better was a little ray of sunlight in the day. No matter how rainy the day would otherwise be.

Jin could hear the small sound of delight when Yoongi took another bite from the food Jimin had made to him. Jin slightly smiled to Yoongi and then to Jimin who was now leaning to the doorway, a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"Is the food good?" Jin just had to ask from Yoongi even if he knew that the boy wouldn't answer to him. He just waited for the little nod he knew that would come. No one would say no after that small noise of happiness when eating the food.

And like Jin had predicted there was the small nod of Yoongi's, however there was something shocking for both of the boys starting at Yoongi. A little quiet, almost inaudible "Yes" came through from Yoongi's lips.

Both Jin's and Jimin's eyes became as big as plates when they heard that. At first they couldn't believe themselves. It had been so long since they had heard the boy speaking and even if this was just a one word it meant lot to them. 

Even if this would look nothing to others, to them it meant that the boy was slowly getting better and slowly opening up to them again and not just shutting everyone out and living in his own world of chaos.

. . .

Okay so here you have part 34

It isn't really anything big, just another filler but seriously I was little stuck and tried my best to get away from the problem I had created to myself.

Hope you liked it

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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