Make up

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"Oh my god,she's a bitch" you and Zero where talking at this point "yeah,she's the one thag but you and jeopardize our mission" the mission was for them to kid nape me and take me to their boss who eve that was he won't tell me. "Yeah but I'm on my own know" how's head was down "I'm sorry" you put your hand on his shoulder, he was a nice guy Zero, you felt bad for him "hey why don't you come over today?I'm not doing anything,the guys are going out tonight to meet with the grand council it's an annual thing" he smiled at you "yeah what time?" "How about around 5?" "Sounds good.....well I have to go y/n your security is here" you turned around "by..." when you turned around he was gone "hey princess" yoongi hugs you "Hey you" His arms where your safety your comfort place.

"Are you ready for tonight?" You asked as you walked to your car "I've been doing this for four years I think I got this" he chuckles and pats your head "cocky much?" You laugh,he rolls his eyes.

"Okay let's go faggots" yoongi was screaming all around the house "alright the o to faggot here is Jimin" "Hey!!i not Faggot" "so you don't go watch Jungkook shirtless work out at the gym?...." "I-Umm,look it's not like..." "alright!!!enough lets go before we are late" Namjoon was pushing them out the door "bye y/n well back late" "okay bye have fun" you closed the door "finally" you closed the door,it was 4:30pm Zero was coming around 5 enough time to take a shower.

*ding dong* "wait I'm changing!" You yelled you just had juts gotten out the shower. No response "coming" you put a shirt on and some shorts "hey" you opened the door "hey y/n" Zero was at the door,he looked really hot he was wearing all black as his hair silver. "C-Come In" he smiles at you "thank you,this place is...." "big I know" you chuckle "yeah" he laughs he scans the house "we can go to the movie room or we stay here" you open the fridge pulling out wine "wow yeah we stay here" he chuckles "would like some wine?or...." "wines fine" you open the wine with your hand and pour two glasses.

One hour later

"Nooo" you and Zero has drank the full bottle and opened another one. Y'all where tipsy it was harder for vampires to get drunk. "Yes you did you where about hit me" you laughed together "oh man,this is the most fun I've ever had" he wipes his tears "yeah" you look down at you cup "more wine?" "No I think I'm good for the night" you nod "well we can watch a movie if you like or we can keep talking?" You shrug "a movie sounds fun" "okay" you turn on the tv and turn in Netflix.

Half way through _______ movie

your head was on his shoulder you where half passed out. "Okay bed time" he carried you bridal style to your bed "Okay here you go" he let you down into to your bed. "Thank you" you smiled ah him "no problem,bye y/n see you at school" he smirks at pats your head, you grab his wrist and pull him down I to a kiss "y/n?, I-" "shhh" you pulled him down again,he soon fell in to your hands he was hovering over you.

He took his hurt off then he traced you back over your shirt and undid you bra. He threw you bra across the room "y/n,you know this is wrong right" "yeah but I don't care right know" you where leaving hickeys all over his neck "what about later?" "Nope" you pull him down again,his hard chest pressed against yours,he slowly took you shirt off tossing aside. Moving from your lips down to your neck he left hickeys,one hand massaging your breast the his mouth on the other. You where a moaning mess "WHAT THE HELL,GET THE FUCK OFF HER" it was dark but you knew exactly who it was,soon Zero crashing Into you little balcony window shattering it "what the hell are you doing!" Yoongi was yelling at you, "I-I" you where embarrassed,you grabbed you shirt and put it on "What the hell are you doing here!" He turned to Zero "she invited me here we had a couple of drinks one way to many,I'm sorry this is my mistake" "YES IT IS,NOW LEAVE BEFORE I CHNAGE MY MIND!" You looked at Zero he mouthed I'm sorry you didn't say anything,he left bleeding cause of the window "NOW YOU,WHAT THE FUCK IS WEING WOTH YOU,YOU WHERE YOU GONNA SLEEP WITH HIM AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH? Is JUNGKOOK NOT GOOD WNOUGH FOR YOU NOW YOU HAVE THREE SERIOUSLY Y/N YOU MAKE ME SICK" you started at him,he was mad at you and you where ashamed "SAY SOMETHING" there was pause "Yoongi I'm sorry, we where drinking I really am sorry,and yes you are good so enough  for me so is he but I-I" you stop and hugged you knees "Leave" you put you head up "w-what?" "I  said leave y/n" he pointed at the door not making eye contact "where am I supposed to go? Please don't do this please I'm sorry Yoongi" "I don't know just leave I can't bare the smell,your sight right know you make me sick,pack and leave" you crawled out slowly of the bed,you where scared of him right know his heart was betting fast.

You grabbed some shoes and you wallet and keys "I'm sorry" you walked out the door "AAHHHG" he yelled and you could hear him punching things, "y/n?" "No Jimin he said what he said,I'll see you later okay?" You trying to hold your tears in "bye guys" the guys where sitting in the kitchen,Jungkook was nowhere to be seen "y/n your always well come here"  Namjoon hugged you "thank you Joon" you let some tears out. "Bye" you barely got out of your mouth,they nod. You got into your car and drove, you don't know where but you drove.

You heart hurt like some stabbed you over and over again. You can feel Jungkook hurting as well,you wanted to talk to him that night,but things didn't go as planned.

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