Chapter 17

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When we finish, I look at Carlisle and shake my head. "He's good on the top part. The bottom good as well?" I ask him. "Yew it is. Now we can decide." Carlisle replies. He looks at Ramon and smiles. "Congrats, Ramon. Your cast can come off. I'll have the nurse that put your cast on come and take it off." Carlisle tells him, making Ramon smile. I chuckle at his happiness, making his mother glare at me. I roll my eyes as I walk to the sink, getting a bad feeling.

Little did I know that my phone was going off in the office from my best friend over in La Push.

I grab the file and walk back over to Carlisle. I give him the file and he smiles at me, taking it. "I'm still recommending you wearing a wrap when you still get pain after the cast is off." Carlisle tells Ramon. He nods as he hands Ramon a note. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asks him. "No, you were helpful Dr Cullen. Thank you." Ramon replies. "My pleasure. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find another nurse to get this cast off." Carlisle says as he walks out, me following.

I close the door behind us as as walk to the elevator. "Okay, we have some time before the next one. Dr Noah said he wanted to talk to you. So you go talk to him while I get the file for noon and see what room number we have to go to." I say to him as I push the down button. "Very well. I wonder what he wants to talk about." Carlisle replies as he sees a nurse walk by. "Charlotte, in room 317, do you think you take take Ramon Grey's cast off?" He asks her. "Certainly, Dr Cullen." She replies. He nods at her as the elevator dings. We walk in and I press the Lobby button.

The elevator dings again as the doors open on the Lobby floor. We walk out and I quickly kiss his cheek. "I'll see you later." I tell him as I walk back to our office. I walk in our office and close the door behind myself. I stop when I hear my phone going off. I quickly walk to my desk and put the file down. I pick my phone up and see Sam calling me. I answer it as I pull my chair out. (Italics is Melissa; Bold is Sam)

Melissa why haven't you picked up my calls?
Sorry Sam. I had my phone on my desk and didn't put it in my jacket pocket. I forgot to grab it before I went to the first scheduled appointment Carlisle had. What's wrong?
Where is Carlisle?
He went to Dr Noah after the first appointment he had. Why what's wrong?
I think you may need to get him. Quick.
Sam what's going on?
You remember how you said you would feel anything if Carlisle was in pain?
Yeah? Sam what are you trying to say?
I'm trying to say that Dr Noah is a new vampire. When I drove you to work, I got this smell and it wasn't the Cullen's scent. It wasn't your scent. It was more of a newborn scent./ I tense and grip my phone.
So you're saying that Dr Noah is a newborn?
Yes and you need to get Carlisle now. Before anything happens.
I'll call you right back, Sam.

I hang up, not letting him have a chance to reply and run out our office. I run to Dr Noah's office and slam the door open, gasping when I see Dr Noah slamming Carlisle to the wall. I close the door and run over to Noah. "Dr Noah what are you doing?" I snap as I grab him by the back of his neck. He goes to grab my neck but I dodge and break his arm. He goes to scream but Carlisle runs behind him and covers his mouth. "I thought I smelled something different about him." Carlisle tells me as I break his other arm.

I nod as I break his legs, making Carlisle hold Noah up right. "We have to burn his body and quick." I tell him. He nods as I run to his window. I open it and Carlisle speeds out his office. I walk to his desk and notice that his laptop is opened. I quickly send a letter to his boss, explaining the reason why he is resigning as being a doctor. What? I've done this before for my dad in Louisiana. I press send just as Carlisle speeds back in his office. "Now all we need to do is-" I get cut off when I watch Alice speed in the office behind him. "Okay so I don't have to have you call her." I mumble, making them laugh. "Okay, so Dr Hernández will take his spot as being the one to give you the appointments everyday for now on. He will be here tomorrow morning." Alice tells me as she speeds around the room, packing his stuff up. I nod as I walk over to Carlisle.

Little did I know a certain Cullen was pacing back in forth in the living room, angry with a certain shapeshifter.

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