Chapter 4

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I nod as I walk around him. "Very well, Dr. Cullen. I'll take a look about it." I tell him as I walk out the kitchen. I walk to my desk and grab the file along with my purse. As I walk to the door, I hear Dr. Cullen call my name out. "Yes Dr. Cullen?" I ask as I turn around, my hand lingering my hand over the knob. "Please, call me Carlisle. Have a good night, Melissa." He tells me. I blush and nod as I walk out. I need to get home and shift. I need to run for at least a little bit.

I walk out of the office and down the hall. "Have a nice night, Melissa." Jessica calls out. "You too Jessica." I say as I walk out. I grab my keys out of my purse as I walk to my car. I unlock my car and get in. I put the file and my purse in the passenger seat. I put my key in the slot and turn it on. I put my car in reverse and slowly pull out of my spot. I put my car in drive and pull away from work. I need to call Momma and see if it's possible for me to have a vampire as my mate. Yes, I realized that Carlisle is a vampire. And I'm guessing so was Esme and so are the kids. Well, his adopted kids. I'll have to ask him tomorrow. That and see who else is a creature here. I didn't even know I was thinking that much when I pull up to my house. I put my car in park and turn it off. I grab my purse along with the file Carlisle wants me to do. I open the car door and get out. I close the door and lock my car. I walk up to my house and unlock my front door. I walk in and close the door behind me, locking it in the process. I drop my keys on the table as I walk to my kitchen.

I put the file on the island in the middle of the kitchen and sit down in the chair at the island. I open the file as I grab my laptop. I was making sure I had everything shipped last night. I put my password in and click on chrome. I log into my gmail and go to google docs. I open a new document and look at the file. I start to type the file onto my laptop, looking at the file every so often. Why did Carlisle ask me to edit this if it looks perfect? Did he type this? Or did Noah type this? I'm not even sure Noah knows all these words that are on this file. But I have to ask Carlisle if he is a vampire. I need to know because I'll leave automatically if he is. My grandfather said my great great grandfather met Carlisle 200 years ago. I have to make sure it's the same man. He looks alot how grandpa described him. Well, how great great grandfather told him when he was in his teens. I stop typing when I hear someone walk around my house.

I look up and sniff. I growl when I sense a vampire. I close my laptop and close the file. I get up and slowly walk to my back door. I open my backdoor and walk off the back porch. I have a back porch. I look around and growl when I see a gorgeous man with bronze hair, pale skin, and golden eyes a few feet away from my house. "So you're the Melissa that Carlisle was talking about." He says. I raise an eyebrow and clench my hands. Who is he and how does he know me? Is this one of Carlisle's adopted sons? "Yes I am one of his sons. My name is Edward Cullen. Glad to know Carlisle talks about us at work." Edward says. Can he read my mind? "Well, since you are a shapeshifter, yes I can but it's a bit difficult. If you were a werewolf, then I would be able to as well. Since you are a shapeshifter, I get bits and pieces." Edward says. "Okay, this is getting creepy. Where do you live? Wait, do you live in that house that looks like its a glass house?" I ask him. He chuckles and nods. "Yes I am. That's where Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and myself live." Edward replies.

I nod as I cross my arms. "Okay, so what happened to Esme? Assuming that was his wife before she died from another vampire I assume." I ask him. "Carlisle should tell you that. It's not in my place to talk about my mother figure." Edward replies. I roll my eyes and look away.

Little did I know Carlisle was standing on a tree branch, looking at Edward and I talk.

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