Chapter 12

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As they arrived at the park, he covered her eyes and held her hand walking her over to a picnic he had set up. There was deli sandwiches, deviled eggs, strawberry cheesecake, flaming hot Cheetos her favorite, and her favorite drink, cherry Pepsi in a cooler. “I know that this isn’t much but –“ before he could finish, Victoria cut him off “No Danny this is just perfect! I love picnics, they are just adorable and sweet! You have all my favorites, I love hot fries, the cherry Pepsi, the strawberry cheesecake, oooh and deviled eggs, how did you know? Me and Ashley have never talked about this before so who told you?” Victoria asked puzzled.

“Actually nobody I didn’t ask anybody this time. What girl doesn’t like a nice romantic picnic? And as far as the food choices, these are actually my favorite things as well! Especially a good cold cherry Pepsi! To be honest, I cheated just a little Ashley did tell me you love hot fries, you eat a bag everyday on break no matter what you eat for lunch. Damn I see we have more in common than I thought we did.” Danny said smiling. “I guess so!” Victoria said smiling back as well. They sat at the park for 5 hours just talking about everything. Danny told Victoria that his father decided when his mother was pregnant that he wasn’t ready for children and gave her the money to get an abortion, but his mother gave him the money back and told him get out of her life, that she’d raise Danny alone without his help.

Victoria told Danny about her parent’s and her upbringing. She told him how she met Nick after she ended a secret relationship with a female and how the abuse started and she said that Nick always apologized & said he wouldn’t do again, and she believed him and he always let her down. She told him about the miscarriage and how she found out that he had been cheating on her pretty much their entire relationship. Danny told Victoria about his son that was turning one in a month. And before Victoria asked about his child’s mother he went on ahead and explained. Danny explained that he and Bianca had been dating for about 7 months and when he discovered that she had slept with someone else, and disrespected his mother, he cut her off.

But when she showed up his doorstep almost two months later pregnant that he told her he wanted nothing to do with a woman who disrespected the woman that raised him, but he also refused to be a dead beat father. So every other week he stopped buy her house to stock the refrigerator with food and give her a few dollars here and there. When his son Jullius was born he secretely got a DNA test done while she was sleep. He just had to know for sure he was the father and he was. He was so excited to have a son, a handsome son. Although he and Bianca were defeinatly not together they agreed to co-parent for their child’s sake and they never fought in front of him.

If Bianca thought she was going to date, Danny ran a background on him first, he couldn’t have just no anybody around his child. But Bianca never brought anybody around Jullius anyway because she secretly still wanted Danny all to herself. They both pretty much told their entire lives to one another, Victoria was completely honest, and so was Danny, except he left out one major detail.

What do you guys think Danny is hiding from Victoria?

Do you think they will date? 

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