Chapter 51

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please check out my new fic if you haven't! :)


The car rounded the corner, out of sight. Jimin would be fine. He had to be.

"If you believe that everything will be alright, then it will. So don't worry about me, 'kay?"

Jungkook smiled to himself. "Whatever you say hyung." Turning away from the door, the bionic headed to Jimin's room, well, 'their' room now, and opened the closet to grab his waitering uniform. He couldn't dwell on the tougher moments which occurred during the present time. If Jimin said it would be fine...all he could do was believe that. Just as Jimin had said.
The factory, was a dangerous place for anyone who was directly involved with anyone working there. That's why it was essential for anyone working there to direct their full attention to their jobs, because if they strayed, it was possible to mix up wrongly accused bystanders of crimes like treason or insubordination of the government. It was, ridiculous, because those in charge who were incredibly fond of the bionic company could do whatever they wanted to those who protested against them.

Fixing his hair, Jungkook took a deep breath as he stared at himself in the mirror. Three months ago, he had done the same thing in his accommodation back at the factory, and he remembered clearly how...expressionless he had looked. Of course his face hadn't changed in such a short amount of time, and yet he looked so different.

"Okay okay." Grabbing the keys Jimin had left on the counter in the kitchen, the bionic stepped out the apartment and locked the door behind him. It would be okay.

So stop worrying.

The bionic had been so indulged in his thoughts as he walked down the stairs, that he hadn't noticed the figure watching him from across the street.


" are you feeling?"


"The same? Any changes?"


"Joonie, you have to give me something."


He sighed, holding back the tears as he spoke through the mic. The room in front of him was dark, and impossible for a human to distinguish any movement. Moving his lips back to the mic, he held down the projector button with his thumb as he spoke again. "Did you eat?"


"You have to eat something Namjoonie. It's been nearly a week, and even as a bionic you must be at your limit."




"Please, answer me."


He turned around, eyeing the other scientists who stood at the doorway, and he waved them away with his hand. They stared at him briefly, before closing the door behind them and exiting. And Jin let out a heavy breath. "Will you talk to me now?"


"I-I guess not."


He took in another breath. "It's been raining a lot, these past few days. I can't remember the last time I saw the sun, heh."


"You know that I don't get sleep nowadays, but the times that I do, I dream about sunlight. About another world completely, where only you and I live."

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