Chapter 24

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He leaned away from his mic, and took a sip from his coffee mug. Because of the stress from university, he had turned to rapping to lose some steam, and maybe numb the wistful tightness in his chest. Yoongi wasn't worried so much about whether or not he could finish the project on time, but whether he could make it perfect. It had to be. Considering his concept on the theme, and the potential it had, he couldn't fuck this up.

A knock from his bedroom door made him sigh, and he removed his headphones. "I'm busy."

"I just thought maybe we should go shopping today."

"Why? Are we out of milk?"

"No, rather, I'm buying myself some clothes."

"Oh well good for you. Then you don't need me to come with you." He leaned back into his chair again and placed his headphones over his ears.

"You should come with me hyung. It's a good opportunity for you to buy something for yourself too."

"I don't need anything."

"There's nothing wrong with treating yourself sometimes~"

"Well unlike some people I'm living off a loan for my expenses."

"I thought you had a scholarship?"

"That only covers my tuition. Now are you gonna buy your clothes?"

"I'll pay for you."

"I don't need anything."

"I'll buy us lamb skewers."

"Let me get my coat."

He heard a laugh from behind the door before he turned off his cheap second-hand pc and grabbed his coat from the stand. Taehyung was stood outside wearing a black trenchcoat and a spotted shirt underneath. He grinned at Yoongi with that same cheesy smile, and Yoongi walked by him without responding. He had mixed feelings about the bionic which he didn't want to look too deep into.

Yoongi went to pick up his car keys, but Taehyung grabbed his wrist in protest.


"It's best to take the metro today hyung, the roads are especially icy."

"And I suppose you have a metro card?"

The bionic pulled out a plain silver card with only the bionics company logo printed small into the corner. "This allows me to use anything that can be scanned or swiped, so long as it's within the companies capabilities."

"Am I supposed to be impressed."

Taehyung laughed again before opening his front door. "After you hyung."

They walked into the cold, and Yoongi found the bionics percepion to be true; the snow had melted a few days ago, but must have frosted over again over the nights so the path was more or less sheeted with a layer of ice.
Because his university accommodation was situated in central Busan, the metro wasn't far from his dorm and they both trailed underground.



"Do you think I could listen to your mixtape?"

At that comment, his heart sped up with anxiety, and he was quick to shake his head. "No you can't." They both scanned their cards and walked through the customs. He had expected the usual whiny reply from Taehyung, but when it wasn't received he looked up from the floor.
The bionic had a faraway look in his eyes, like he had detatched himself from the current time and place.

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