Chapter 5

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For the past half hour, Jimin had done everything in his power to heat up the beautiful stranger. He had found some old-fashioned hand warmers and stuffed them inside the blankets, he had found pillows and created a little nest surrounding him, and he even considered filling up the tub with warm water and simply just dumping the guy in there...but he knew that would be taking it too far.

But then again, how far could he already take this situation? Jimin had found a man almost frozen to death outside of a convenience store, and manually tried to warm him up without any sort of electricity to aid him. He had no idea who he was, and he had never, ever seen him around the neighbourhood. Was this some sort of bachelor party gone wrong? Or could he be an infamous criminal?

Jimin shook his head. He recognized the tattoo; the stranger was a bionic, he was sure of it.

"Arghhhhh! What do I do, what do I do...?!"

Jimin paced back and fourth, unsure of how to face what would come. Just where had this man come from?! He stormed across the room towards where he had propped the man up in the corner, still wrapped in blankets, and sat cross-legged in front of him.

And then he just watched him. He could hear the steady ticking of his watch as he stared at the man, waiting for something to happen. Jimin was glad to finally see some color in the man's face. He could now see that he wasn't actually as pale as perhaps Yoongi, or himself for that matter, but Jimin still worried since his lips were slightly lacking in hue. And when he placed the back of his hand against the stranger's cheek, he was appalled to feel how the sickly coldness of his skin hadn't faded.

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose, and checked his wrist for the time.


Surprisingly, it wasn't as late as he had thought. But with all that had happened, it was no wonder why he had thought what he had.

Jimin stood up to make some tea. He really, really needed some tea. Like, really really. The last time he had stressed so much over anything was during his finals. He did not want to relive that period of his life. He mentally cursed himself for leaving the groceries behind, because he had no milk.

So he decided to drink it cold and black, and to be honest, it was pretty bad.

He could feel his arm slipping from beneath him, and he launched his hands out to grab both sides of the table to stop himself from falling. In the end, the power hadn't turned back on, and he had resorted to using candles, placing them strategically around his kitchen. He checked the time again.


Gosh, he was so tired. He needed to sleep. Maybe the initial panic had tired him out more than he had thought it would. But he felt wrong about sleeping, and leaving the man out here with almost nothing. It wasn't like they could share a bed....he had read somewhere that the best way to warm up was to use skin-to-skin contact, but that kind of intimacy wasn't something that Jimin felt comfortable doing. Besides, he had spent some more time watching the stranger, and after checking his temperature change, he could definitely say that the man was beginning to warm up to a safe degree.

Standing from his seat, he began rummaging through his things, occasionally glancing to his left to check up on his house-guest, and pulled out an old futon. He laid it next to the radiator, and walked over to the man wrapped in blankets to drag him over next to the heater.
Once successfully atop the futon, he walked around his kitchen to blow out the candles, and before he entered complete darkness, he eyed the man for a couple moments more, and then he blew out the last tiny flame.

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