Chapter 33

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The living room was empty as the bionic sat upright with his arms folded on the sofa. Yoongi hadn't come down yet even though it had gone past 11, so Taehyung couldn't help but feel worried. But the last time he checked up on the green-haired man he had gone all haywire on the bionic and thrown him out the dorm. He smiled to himself when recalling how serious and straightforward Yoongi could be.
It was Christmas. And it wasn't really anything special to the bionic, and he doubted Yoongi felt any different. However, Taehyung still wondered what he was up to. Either he had spent all night working on his painting and was now still sleeping, or he hadn't slept at all, and was still working.

Quietly pacing up the stairs with coffee, Taehyung knocked on Yoongi's door. "Hey hyung?" No answer, except for a muffled grumble.
Why did this seem so familiar? "Hyung, I'm coming in."

He opened the door and stepped into the room. Yoongi was slouched over in a chair with a paintbrush still in his hand, with his chin on his chest sleeping. Taehyung chuckled to himself, and walked over to the passed out man. The painting had a sheet over it, so he reckoned Yoongi had probably been too tired to move to his bed. He placed the coffee on the desk. Lifting the man up from the chair, the bionic carried Yoongi over to the double bed in the corner, and gently placed him down onto the quilts.
Taehyung smiled at the man below him. He looked so peaceful without his usual stern expression. And his clear pale skin was so beautiful.

What is this?

His hand reached up to his chest, and he could feel the blood pulsating through his body quicker than usual. It was happening again. This was one of the things he had tried to explain to Yoongi the other day: this foreign sensation he'd come to feel since living here, something which he couldn't...understand, or act upon.
It definitely wasn't normal. And he would say he was scared of it, but he didn't want to admit that perhaps Yoongi was right. Was this some sort of emotion he was feeling?

Taehyung heard the shuffling of clothes, and when he looked back down at Yoongi he was currently shifting in his sleep. The older groaned and turned onto his back, and the bionic smiled to himself.
It wasn't unusual to find something beautiful...was it? He knelt down to the sleeping man, and slowly shook his arm. "Yoongi hyung? You should probably-"

Yoongi lifted his arm up slightly, and his shirt rode up his stomach.

"-get...up now..."

The man continued to move in his sleep, and eventually flipped over onto his stomach. His green hair messily settled over his closed eyes as his shirt remained halfway up his torso, and Taehyung could only watch as it only continued to move higher and higher, the deep crevice of his spine curving downwards as he stretched his body-


Taehyung stood up abruptly and rushed out the room, closing the door hastily behind him. What was this? What was he feeling? His stomach was scorching like a flame had been set alight inside of him, and he shivered when he recalled the pale, smooth skin which had been accidentally exposed to his eyes. And he swallowed.

I'd better...make brunch.


He opened his eyes when he heard his door close. Looking down at himself, his clothes were creased and not exactly covering his body like they should. Smirking to himself, he sat up whilst pulling down his shirt.

Serves him right.

No matter how many times Yoongi had told the bionic, Taehyung would still find a way into his room when he would least expect it. He had woken up when he had heard the bionic walk into his room, but for some reason he wanted to see what would happen if he remained 'asleep.' Nevertheless he was pissed off at the bionic for constantly ignoring his demands for privacy, and wanted to teach him some sort of lesson.
He hoped at the very least he had embarrassed the bionic. Well, he knew he had. Taehyung had so blatantly stuttered his name and left, which had given Yoongi the privilege of a win against the superhuman.
Patting his cheeks, he flopped back down onto his bed with closed eyes.
He wanted to feel it again: the sensation of the bionics eyes running up and down his body, feeling that kind of vulnerability-

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