Chapter 46

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Smut ahead-----> if you'd rather not read it then skip to Jimin's POV in this chapter

like always i hope you enjoy :)


Waking up next to Jimin was one of the countless moments the bionic cherished. The way the early morning light traced his face, the way the older was always clutched to his chest, and the way his face was the first thing Jungkook came to wake up to...words couldn't describe his feelings. It was, unexplainable. He couldn't put into words what he wanted to say. Because every time Jimin made him this feel way, his throat always seemed to close up.
And now, as he stared down at his sleeping face, Jungkook felt his heart melt for the millionth time. He'd repeat it a million times in his head, until he could find a way to put his feelings into words.

He carefully pulled away from their embrace, and pulled on his waitering uniform which hung from the wardrobe door. All the while, Jungkook watched the older who hadn't moved from his position, completely fixated on the individual before him.
The alarm besides the bed started yelling, and Jungkook was quick to reach over and end its tyranny. Jimin shuffled slightly in his sleep, and the younger smiled before leaning down and kissing his forehead.



Jimin lifted his hand, still half asleep, and wafted the bionic away. "I'm still tired..."

"I know I'm sorry, I'm going to the cafe soon. I'll be back around 7."

"Okay..." The older settled back into the sheets, and Jungkook chuckled under his breath before turning to leave the room. "Kookie?"

Jungkook looked back around, and found the blonde sat upright in bed. "Hm?"

"You forgot something..."

Jungkook smiled. "Ah, yeah."

The younger paced over to the bed, and pulled Jimin into a firm embrace. With their hearts aligned, it felt like a surge of fire was scorching through his entire body. How could a single person make him feel this way?
Jimin sighed into his chest, and Jungkook leant back to kiss his plump lips. He could never get tired of kissing those lips. The bionic twitched when the older pushed his tongue into his mouth, and Jungkook could only accept the very welcomed guest. Jimin pushed further against the younger, and Jungkook had to pull away completely before his desire for the beautiful male took over his sense of being.

"H-hyung, I have to go." Jimin gazed up with a sleepy expression, and lept up to the taller to join their lips again. "Hyu-" Their lips crashed together, and Jungkook found himself straddled by the older who had wrapped his legs around his waist and was promptly sat on his lap. He moaned into the kiss, and tentatively grabbed Jimin's thighs while gently stroking them. "Jiminie, I have to go."

"Not yet..." The older whispered into his ear, and started to impatiently grind himself ontop of the bionics crotch. Jungkook sucked in a breath, but was soon cut off when Jimin found his lips again. His kisses were always so sweet, so soft, and yet always enough to stir the bionic in every way possible.

Jungkook moved his hands up Jimin's smaller body, but quickly retracted them when he glanced the alarm clock from the corner of his eyes. "I-I really have to go hyung."

"Please, Kookie..."


Jimin rubbed the bionics already throbbing erection through his pants, and kissed him slowly. Jungkook could only close his eyes in ecstasy, and when he opened them again he saw the older staring up at him while biting down on his lower lip. "I want you Kookie~"

Apathy, and His Smile JIKOOK||Where stories live. Discover now