Chapter 6

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This had to have been by far, the strangest way Jungkook had ever woken up: in a huge blanket burrito. Which was ironic to think, considering that he had just recalled waking up in a metal glowing column, and he had also woken up amidst a pile of snow. Needless to say, he couldn't call this in any way at all unpleasant. He felt surprisingly safe.

He recalled the previous night: how cold he had been, and the almost terror he felt at being unable to see or move, or even cry out for help. If he was human, he would definitely have called it terror. Definitely. But now...he didn't feel at all uncomfortable, and even though he assumed he was now in someone else's home, he didn't feel wary. Why should he? This person had bundled him up in blankets, how dangerous could that person be?

He heard footsteps around 50 meters away, and the sound of a shower switching on. After Jungkook unravelled himself from the layers of blankets, he stood up to find himself in different clothing from yesterday. He was now wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt and white sweatpants. The clothing was uncomfortably tight, and the sleeves barely met his wrists, and the pants definitely didn't met his ankles.

Taking a walk through the room he had woken up in, Jungkook took in the kitchen interior. It felt rather warm with the oak cabinets, white-marble countertops and the ashy, grey wall behind it all. He took note of the multiple candles scattered across the room, and surmised that the power had gone out last night. When Jungkook walked out of the kitchen, he came to see cardboard box after cardboard box, each with a label that had been scruffily scrawled across with a sharpie.

This apartment had clearly just been remodelled, because the paint was new and the flooring had been varnished and there were boxes everywhere, so someone had only recently moved into it.
Jungkook also spent a few moments to himself reliving the dream that he had had. He wasn't sure why he had dreamt in the first place, or how it was possible. He didn't think bionics could feel enough to dream, period, and he thought it strange that his mind had rehearsed his very first memory after waking as a bionic.

Rather than dwell further on the sudden change in routine, he stood, and continued to walk around the apartment. He found it difficult to build a picture of the person living here with such little info: minimum furniture and the lack of decor made it difficult for Jungkook to analyze this person, and construct a suitable way to approach them.

At the end of the hallway, he came to the bedroom. The chamber had a cream carpet, a white open-doored wardrobe with drawers and a king-sized bed with plain white sheets. He stood there for a few moments, appreciating how light, open and modern this apartment felt.

That was one thing Jungkook could point out about the person living here. Perhaps they were also light, open and modern.

The sounds of water hitting the floor could be heard to his right, and he noticed the door most likely leading to an ensuite bathroom. What Jungkook didn't expect was for the sound of running water to end so abruptly, and for a second he froze in place, unsure of what his next move should be. He decided it would be best to wait until this person had finished, and greet him at this door.
He waited in anticipation as he heard bare-footed steps getting louder and louder.

And when the door finally opened, he felt the world slow down around him.

Jungkook had never witnessed anything so heavenly. The sight of a small boy with luminescent, bleach-blond hair that was slightly damp and still dripping with water should have been considered unholy. His cheeks were rosy, eyes wide and twinkling, and the boys lips...

Oh god his lips.

Full and plump, his saviour had been blessed with juicy, fuschia-tinted lips, and the boys expression, with his mouth slightly parted made Jungkook's own mouth go dry. He had never frozen before, never, and for the gazillionth time, he thought about questioning what he was feeling, and if he was feeling.

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