Chapter 45

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if you haven't listened to the video above, please do, because it's honestly amazing


Something wasn't right. He didn't know what, but he knew that something was out of place.
Something wasn't right.

Having spent a few days now back at the factory, the orange haired bionic had used his time to explore the factory, to places he hadn't been to before: around the laboratory, between the courtyard's, the other accommodations etc. His assignments had always taken place outside the factory because they were more personal, and involved direct approaches with his clients, so he had never taken it upon himself to explore the place.
He hadn't once seen his hyung. Not once. And that had made Taehyung even more aware of the worry building up inside of him. This wasn't normal, even for bionics such as Namjoon who could spend days in the laboratory without rest. But the scientists were human, so they would end their work at night to rest and the bionics would always go back to their rooms too. And Namjoon hadn't.

For the past two nights, Taehyung had waited outside his room, and his hyung hadn't returned. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen any of the scientists who Namjoon tended to work with, including the pink haired scientist with broad shoulders. Kim Seokjin? He had to find him.
Knocking on the managers door, Taehyung was soon greeted by a voice from behind the door.

"Come in!"

"Excuse me..." He closed the door behind him, and saw Hoseok at his desk furiously typing away on his laptop. "Hoseok, sir?"

"Yyyyes..." The red haired man reluctantly pulled away from his laptop, and spared a glance at him.

Taehyung breathed in, and took a seat in front of the desk. "I know you told me that Namjoon hyung is fine, but I'd still like to see him before I go back to Busan."

"You can't."

Taehyung faultered. "...Why not?"

Hoseok continued typing, the gentle taps of his keyboard sounding across the room. "He's in the middle of a very important experiment at the moment."

"Not to be rude sir, but how do I know you're not lying just to send me away again?"

"I can assure you I am not lying. Taehyung."

The bionic swallowed, as the manager looked up at him with an eerie smile. A deceiving one. He was definitely hiding something. Maybe he should change his tactics. "Okay I believe you sir. Can I at least ask where Kim Seokjin is, the scientist?"

Hoseok blinked. Then he looked up at Taehyung with a slight frown on his face, still smiling. "Why do you need Jin?"

"I haven't had a checkup in a couple months, so I'm twice behind."

"But why him specifically?"

"He has my paperworks sir."

"Aish, stop calling me sir, hyung will do just fine." The older pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out an exasperated sigh. No one spoke for a while, and Taehyung could only watch as the manager held his head in his hands with his brow furrowed, probably due to stress and fatigue.

Then Hoseok grabbed his phone from his desk, and made a call. "Hyung, can you come here a minute? You need to do a checkup on someone...sorry for troubling you but the other scientists are busy...I know you're not doing anything now."

Taehyung looked up, and focused his attention on the call: "You know very well that I'm busy."

"Sheesh hyung, it'll be fine if you leave for ten minutes."

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