Chapter 3

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The first thing Jungkook noticed upon waking up: how cold he was.

It felt like there were like needles endlessly puncturing his skin all over his body, although, he was pretty sure that all his extremities had gone numb. He couldn't feel his legs. Cold licked at his face and crept under his clothes, spreading across his skin like the lacy tide on a frigid winter beach. With purple lips tinged with blue, and gently chattering teeth, the bionic tried to wrap his arms around him tighter, only to find that he had lost all feeling from both of his upper limbs.

The second thing he noticed: how dark it was.

He wasn't even sure if at this point his eyes were open or not, but all he could see was just a void of black. Without his vision, his mind couldn't piece together where in the world he could be, or what had happened to him just hours before. The biting cold chilled his fingers into clumsy numbness, cold seeped into his toes and spread painfully throughout his feet as if it were his bare skin on the pristine icy whiteness rather than his brogues, and his teeth only continued to chatter like a pneumatic drill.
He began to lose his sense of time. Had he been out there for minutes, or hours?

Where was he?

Jungkook breathed in, inhaling the fierce, raw winter air, and tried to focus his attention on rewinding the current past events which had led him to...well, where he was currently. Was he sitting down? Standing? Was he laying on the ground? Was he even situated upright?
Jungkook couldn't even begin to tell, because the longer he debated mentally the faster his entire body from the neck down become leached of feeling or sensation, and the fact that the bionic slowly couldn't even feel any of the earlier pain from the snow gave out clear warning signs that something was not right.

His brow furrowed, and suddenly a high-pitched noise filled his ears as he tried to revive his brain. His system wasn't working, he couldn't think straight after being...had he been drugged? The heaviness of his chest as he tried to steady his breathing, and the drowsiness which was clouding his trail of thought suggested that that was very probable. It also could have contributed to the numbess he was feeling, the weighted numbness residing throughout his blood which contrasted with the frosted unfeeling from the cold.

He couldn't remember anything at all.

I need to get out of this blizzard.

Even though he couldn't see anything, Jungkook could hear how the wind bawled and wailed above him like the stiff, frigid breeze that it was, and even though he couldn't feel anything except the cold, he was pretty sure he was covered in snow.

What was he supposed to do now?


As he walked down the now icy street, Jimin grabbed both ends of his coat and overlapped the sides in an attempt to shield his body from the cold wind. He couldn't believe how bad the weather had gotten; it had only been raining that morning, and now the whole of Busan had more or less shut down due to the thick snowstorm which enveloped the city. Yoongi had insisted that Jimin borrow his car to drive to the supermarket, but Jimin had insisted back that the 10 minute walk down the road wasn't worth the potential damage to Yoongi's new car. So he had borrowed Yoongi's beige, fur coat since they were both near to the same height, and left Yoongi to clean up a bit while he was out.

Jimin giggled to himself. With how the afternoon had played out, him and Yoongi seemed like a couple at this point. He had liked Yoongi in the past, during their time at university together, but Jimin had never been sure if he'd ever wanted to pursue his feelings. He wasn't sure if what he was currently feeling was something past the point of platonic or not anymore, and they were somewhat best friends after spending 2 years living next door to each other. Although the thought of being Yoongi's potential partner felt swell, it was still a question that Jimin was afraid to answer.
He was just getting his life together, and he wanted to take it one step at a time.

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