Chapter 4

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Hunched up against the wall, was a person, a boy, a man? Buried in layers of thick snow, with his head flopped over to the side.

Jimin didn't know what to do.

First came the shock of a potentially dead person laid out right in front of him. What should he do? He had never seen something like this before, and his feet felt stuck to the ground below him, preventing him from moving, like the ice had suddenly formed beneath his boots. Then came the sudden realisation that he had to do something, anything.
He dropped his groceries at his feet and ran towards the man, almost slipping in the process. Falling to his knees in the snow, Jimin immediately felt the man's neck for a pulse, but dammit, his fingers were too cold to feel anything, and the body before him was even colder. He frantically started to dig the stranger out of the snow, scraping the almost white ice away from his legs. As he dug at the snow, the man gave out a painful groan. Then Jimin's ears pricked up, and he went to grab the man's face with his hands. He was about to yell for help, when he tilted the man's face towards him, and he stopped in his tracks.

The man was...beautiful. His skin was so pale from the cold, and his cheeks and eyelashes were dusted with tiny snowflakes, which made him glisten in the distant orange light. He had parted, raven hair which curled towards his eyes, and was frosted by the intense weather. With his perked, blue lips slightly parted, Jimin could make out the faint but apparent mist leaving his mouth, and that gave him hope that this stunning man could be saved.
He once again opened his mouth to call for help, but then he stopped.
The most that cashier could do was attempt to call for an ambulance, but with the lines down there was no way it would go through.

Jimin grabbed the man by his shoulders and heaved him out of the snow, only to discover the horror that this man was only wearing a thin black shirt and jeans. He instantly took off the jacket Yoongi leant to him and wrapped it around the stranger, before lifting the man up again by his arms and dragging him behind him. The man was taller, and a lot heavier than Jimin imagined, and in his first couple steps he stumbled.
To get a better grip, Jimin thrusted the man's body upwards until his arms dangled lifelessly at either side of Jimin's front, and the man's face settled in the crook of Jimin's neck.

He shivered at the cold, and leaving the groceries behind, Jimin carried the man painfully through the snow towards Yoongi's.

"You're gonna be okay," Jimin whispered to the stranger.


The moment the door clicked from the inside, Jimin pushed into the warmth before rushing into the room and dropping the man onto Yoongi's sofa. Both were covered in snow, and Jimin had to hold back the urge to sneeze, and shiver until words couldn't be spoken. Yoongi was taken aback by this sudden turn of events, then he closed the door behind him. "What happened? Who is...?"

Jimin's nose and lips were radiating a bright red, and he checked the man again to see if anything had changed. To his utter dismay, the man hadn't responded to anything since Jimin had moved him. "I don't know, I found him in the snow outside of the supermarket! Hyung, what do we do? The phone lines are down, he's barely breathing, how do you even warm up a person who's so close to dea-"

"Jimin JIMIN, calm down! Don't worry we'll find a solution to this."

"Do you have blankets?!"

Yoongi placed a finger on his lips. "What good are blankets going to be if  the heating isn't working. Shit, Jimin is the electricity up and running at your new place yet?"

"It should be, but the power isn't working across most of the city-"

"It'll be better than this crappy accommodation, get him to my car. I'll grab some spare blankets from upstairs, keys are on the rack by the door."

Jimin nodded, then went back to heaving the man onto his back and trudging towards the door. He grabbed the set of keys with the blue keyring, and headed outside once more towards the grey Suzuki parked outside of the dorms. When he tried to shove the man onto one of the back seats, the man's head thwonked against the silver metal roof of the car, and he dropped to the seat.

Jimin clasped his mouth. "Shit! I am so sorry!" He reached out in front of him, then pulled his hand back like he had been burned, when he got glance of the tattoo on the side of the man's neck. " you're a-?"

"Jimin what are you waiting for? Get behind the wheel."

Yoongi emerged from his dorm with an armful of blankets, and he ran around the back of the car to the boot while Jimin jumped in the front. His green-haired friend soon joined him, and they begun the 10 minute car ride of constant checking up on the man and loud, worried arguing. When they arrived at their destination, with the man on Jimins back and blankets in Yoongi's arms, Jimin suddenly cursed out loud.

"Yoongi-hyung, my apartment is on the third floor."

A moment of silence for the two small men.

Yoongi exhaled. "It doesn't matter. Let's just get on with it Chim."

Both friends wrapped a blanket around their neck; with Jimin holding the man's sides and Yoongi holding the man's legs, they lugged a hefty body up three flights of stairs, taking seconds for breaks, and with the help from Yoongi's infrequent grumbles of, "this guy had better be worth it," and, "I'm freezing my tits off," and Jimin's replies of, "you're the one who said to get on with it," they met the third level breathlessly.

Upon reaching Jimin's apartment door, which was almost kicked down, the two got to work with stripping the man of his wet clothes and redressing him in some of Jimin's oversized jumpers and joggers (which Jimin frantically had to find amongst many boxes all labeled 'clothes'), wrapping him in the blankets and placing him next to the heater, which they hoped would turn on.

And when they both collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion, they stared at each other for a brief period of time before unbearingly roaring with laughter.

Yoongi rubbed Jimin's head with his cold palm. "On the one hand, you give me strength to get by Jimin but on the other, you work me to the bone."

"I'd say it balances out quite nicely."

"Well you're lucky you're so agreeable, otherwise I wouldn't even be here."

"Stop lying, lying is a sin."

A spark of awareness suddenly hit Yoongi. "Oh for fuck's sake, I forgot to lock my door. Will you be alright? I don't want to leave you alone with some stranger."

"I'll be fine, I'll find another way to warm him up. And I've got you on speed dial in case anything happens. Hopefully I'll be able to call in the morning." With them both still laid across Jimin's tiled flooring, he leaned over and kissed his friend on the forehead. "Thank you so much Yoongi,  I take that thirty-third payment back. You're now at thirty-two again."

"Oh wowee I feel so lucky." Yoongi grinned, stood up and pulled Jimin up with him. "I'll come visit in the morning. Stay warm."

"I will. I can't believe you left your door open."

"Oi, shut it."

And with that, Yoongi left, and it was just Jimin alone with the stranger.

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