Chapter 42

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As he showered, his mind overwent multiple flashbacks of his spent night with the bionic in the next room. His boyfriend. Blood rushed to his cheeks as his brain echoed that word over and over again. His boyfriend. He hadn't thought that this would have happened. Not that Jimin doubted that he could ever have one, but he had definitely not expected to have one any time soon, and this turn of events wasn't something he had prepared for.

His heart ached when he pictured Jungkook in his mind. His almost perfect hair, his sarky comments and comebacks, his inability to ever not make Jimin laugh, his sweet bunny like smile which created little crinkles around his eyes...
Oh his heart ached. And that was why Jimin hadn't thought at all, not anymore, about the possibilities of tomorrow. He had been so engulfed in the present time, where he was happy alongside this bionic who had unexpectedly crossed paths with the older. And that was where he wanted to stay. In the present time. He could focus on his career, with Jungkook too.

Turning off the water, he shook his hair as he dried his body and pulled on some jeans and a jumper. When he walked out, he noticed that the bedsheets had been changed, and the clothes from the floor were gone.
And the older smiled to himself.
Another thing which he loved about Jungkook: his compassion. Even as a bionic, Jimin was sure he possessed that quality.

"Hyung!" Jungkook was stood at the stove with an apron around his waist which read Good morning sweet cheeks, and a huge smile on his face, when Jimin walked into the kitchen.

Laughing, the older walked up to the bionic and coiled his arms around his shoulders. "WHAT are you wearing?"

"Your apron?"

"That isn't mine!"

"It was behind the door!"

"I have no idea where that came from."

There was a pause, before the pair laughed to themselves. "Kookie, what are you making?"


"You can make those?"

"I just had to look up a recipe online." The younger turned and took a step backwards, projecting the cake into the air and catching it successfully on its other side. Jimin laughed and clapped his hands, to which the bionic grinned back.

"Teach me!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Oh I don't know hyung, this is a pretty advanced skill even for a bionic."

"Come on stop joking around!"

"I'm not, with your height there's even less of a probability that you'll catch it."

Jimin light punched the bionic in the arm, and Jungkook laughed. "Yah that doesn't even make sense."

"It does if you factor in your weight, the length of your arms, your muscle to fat ratio-"

"Okay okay I get it, just teach me!"

The younger smiled. "Alright. Here." Jungkook moved behind the older, and leaned over him before handing him the saucepan. The bionic placed his larger hands over Jimin's small ones, and Jimin was suddenly enveloped in Jungkook's warmth. "You have to move it to the end of the pan before flipping it. Like this." The pan tipped forward, before the bionic pushed it skywards and flipped it onto its other side. "Now you try it."

Before Jungkook could move away completely, Jimin looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with him. "No wait, don't move, what if I drop it?"

"I'll catch it fine, don't worry."

"Yeah, but..."

"What is it?"

"...I like it better when you're close."

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