Chapter 21

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i can't get this song out my head. literally has been on repeat for about half an hour 💛


He hadn't been expecting...whatever Jimin had just done. Jungkook had felt so, so nervous, and he didn't know what his hyung was trying to do; Jimin said he had tried to help the bionic discover a new sense of happiness?

It had definitely made Jungkook...incredibly happy.

Fiery and feathery, like a million tiny flames caressing his body, the younger could still feel Jimin's touch across his abdomen and his chest, and his heart wasn't resting. Whatever had just occurred...all Jungkook knew was that that was something different to a hug, and it was far from platonic. Completely. He didn't know what he was feeling exactly, but he knew enough to say that while a hug was close and friendly...this was, so much more. So, so different.

And it had happened again. The same foreign feeling had spread across his body and smoked his mind, making him feel hazy and close to intoxication. Jungkook was sure he was feeling high, because he definitely felt it, from the heat left behind from Jimin's lips, and so he fell back onto the sofa. He just felt so weird. So strange, sweaty, and craving more...more of, their intimacy. That's what he was feeling. He wanted more. More of Jimin.
He had only intended to get back at Jimin for suddenly kissing his neck, but he didn't expect to enjoy it as much as he had. His sweet, berry smell. And his sweet voice. Jungkook suddenly wanted to hear it again.

His thoughts brought him back to his last conversation with Taehyung, and they had mentioned Namjoon's interest in a scientist.
Was this what he was feeling?

That word didn't do his needs justice.

His needs? What did he need?

After that thought, Jimin walked back into the room, covering his neck with his hand. Jungkook sat up straight, and watched as he sat besides him with a pink tint to his cheeks.
And no one spoke, for a while. Just the sound of the ticking from the clock and their restless breathing could be heard.


"Yes hyung?"

Jimin smirked. "What happened to Jimin-ssi?"


Jimin laughed, and punched his arm. "I was only teasing! So we have Jiminie and Jimin-ssi." He looked at Jungkook. "I like this."

Jungkook swallowed, and moved his neck forward. " Hyung, what was that?"

Jimin's smile died, and he too swallowed. "I already told you, I was helping you discover other things. Did you? By any chance?"

"Yes," he breathed out, and looked at Jimin again. "I have it figured out now."

He watched as Jimin's fists balled on top of his knees. "Really? Do you understand it?"

Jungkook nodded. "Yes."

Jimin sighed, and scratched his head. "Right, that's good. I'm glad I could make you happy."

Jungkook eyed him, and sighed too. "I understand it, but I'm not sure what to do with them. My feelings, that is."

The blonde man faintly smiled. "You can only do what you want to do, what you want."

What I want...

Jungkook bit his lip, and looked up.

Do I want him?

He shook his head and looked back down. No way he could. He would be asking too much of Jimin to go along with his fancies. What he really wanted...he could never ask. Never.

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