Chapter 30

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Sighing, he shoved the paperwork to the side. So much paperwork and effort just to make one person a bionic. But it was his job as the person in charge to make the call on whether that person is fit enough to become a bionic. He also has to make sure that when they come to the factory, they come in a small package. If that person for example is alive with family or friends, or they still have a chance at life then he has to refuse.
If they change someone into a bionic even despite the facts then they could easily be sued.

The day so far had been a drag. Being the manager and having so much responsibility at such a young age was really draining his enthusiasm. He even used to go by the name 'J-Hope' but after taking over this factory he since dropped it and became a more official figure. He missed being that person: that smiley, loud friend who could cheer up anyone if he tried.

The telephone rang besides him, and he sighed again before he picked it up. "This is Hoseo-"

"You need to come to the lab pronto, it's an emergency."

"Jin-hyung? What's happened?"

"Just get here quickly, now."

The call ended, and Hoseok jumped up from his desk and ran out his office. He couldn't help but feel a bit excited as well as worried. He became a part of this whole bionic life because he wanted to do something different. Be something different. So creating artificial life who could help people just sounded so perfect.
And spending his time behind a desk really didn't.

When he arrived at the lab, he burst through the doors and walked up to the the pink haired scientist who was stood at the door of the storage room. "Hyung-"

"Get in quickly."

He complied, and when he stepped into the room, Jin locked the door behind them. Hoseok sighed, as he folded his arms against his chest. "What's happened?"

"This." Jin pointed at the figure stood in the corner. It was the same tall bionic he always saw in the lab with the sandy brown hair and dimples. Only he didn't look...good.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's becoming unstable."

"What? Unstable?"

"Unstable...ill, out of sorts, plagued...whatever you'd call it!" the older replied hastily.

Hoseok froze. "How? Why?"

Jin took a breath in, and Hoseok took notice of the unsteadiness of his chest, and his clenched fists stuck by his sides. "He came in the day I finished synthesising the drug, only when he came in he inhaled the fumes."

"W-which is bad because?"

"When converting the drug to a pill we have to dilute it because it's too concentrated in it's primary form. And Namjoonie, he...he was intoxicated with the drug before we diluted it."

Hoseok swallowed. "So, when you said he's unstable, is he going to become like...the other 5.2's?"

The scientist looked at the bionic, who's face was pale with a worried expression. "No, he won't."


"It'll be about five times worse."

Hoseok's ears pricked up when the bionic suddenly spoke out of nowhere, his words ragged and heavy. "What...what do you mean? I still don't know what's going on..."

Jin faced Hoseok again with a firm expression. "What should we do? I can't legally make decisions without advising with you first."

"We wait it out."

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