Chapter 35

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"Jungkook...?" His friend looked completely shocked. Which was so strange, because Taehyung had never seen any other expression on the bionic besides blankness. Jungkook remained speechless, and Taehyung took a step forward. "What a coincidence...? What are you doing here?"

"I...I could ask you the same thing? Taehyung?"

"Yea-woah!" The black haired bionic suddenly lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Taehyung. Surprised was an understatement to what he was feeling. What the hell...? "Jungkook?"

"I'm so glad to see you Tae!" Looking up at the taken back bionic, Jungkook smiled at Taehyung with eyes that emitted such happiness, it caused Taehyung to physically started to choke. "Hyung? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm good I'm just so...confused."

Jungkook shyly nodded and scratched his head. "Me too, I was just excited to see a friend out of the blue."


"Yeah, oh um...there's a lot to explain hyung."

"Yes, definitely. What happened to you Kook?"

"'s a long story..."

"We have time."

"Yes but they're waiting inside."

Taehyung took a seat on the curb and patted the space besides him. "Quickly tell me then."

Jungkook did as he was told, and sat besides his orange haired friend who smiled and ruffled his hair. Taehyung really was glad to see his dongsaeng, and was glad to know that he was okay. It had been such a while since Jungkook had started this mission, and while the older had thought about his friend from time to time, he had only one option which was to trust that Jungkook was alright. He had seen him earlier on in the month at the shopping centre, and before he hadn't wanted to get in the way of his assignment but now, clearly their paths were bound to cross again at some point. Since Jimin and Yoongi were both friends.

"So Kook, how's the assignment going?"


"Isn't that why you're all the way in Busan?"

Jungkook looked down. "No, it isn't. Well, it was but...uhh..."

"Just say it, in the plainest way you can."

He nodded, and rubbed his hands together from the cold. "The manager wanted me to do a favour, I was drugged, then I woke up out here without the memory of what had happened before that."


"Yeah, and when I woke up I could feel."


Jungkook turned to Taehyung with that same smile on his face. He looked so young, too young, and too...happy. "Yeah, I can...feel emotion now hyung. I can feel. I realise now why I had felt so empty before."

The older swallowed, and stared down at his own hands. Jungkook had felt empty too? that why he felt empty now? He didn't want to accept this. No way was Yoongi hyung right. "Are you absolutely sure Kook?"

"Yes, I am. I didn't want to accept this before but, hyung, I'm really...happy now that I'm like this."

"Y-you are?"

Jungkook nodded, and glanced back at the karaoke bar. "I made a friend who allowed me to stay with him through the winter before I'd make my own way back to Seoul, and he's..."

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