Final Moments

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Miranda POV

I was set down in the back of the truck, and that's all I remember. It was weird. The truck turned to liquid, which was weird to me, they were always so solid.

I began to fall, on my back, sinking below the ground. I saw my life in colors. My dad losing his job, moving to our uncle's barn. The first time I ever plucked guitar strings and how amazing they sounded.

Learning to play my first country songs, and then writing them. Nashville star, impressing the judges, and flash forward to getting my record deal, then to Platinum, playing at the CMA Fest. And, nothing. It all faded to silver.

I was slammed on the ground and groaned as I opened my eyes. There were antiques, everywhere! What the heck was going on!?

I looked all over, and saw every antique that my grandpa had given to me spread around me. I stood up, "knew ya'd find yer way here, Randa." I jumped.

My grandpa was sitting in an antique chair, looking at me. I smiled, but then turned sad. "Am I dead? I mean, that's why you're here, right?" I asked, looking him dead in the face.

"Never the blunt one, were ya?" He laughed, he still had the deep and warm laugh that I remembered. "Nope. So where are we?" I asked, looking around. There were more antiques than I remembered.

"Well, I can't tell ya. Big Man made me promise. You gotta decide, do ya wanna go back?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "Yer thinkin too hard as always." He snapped.

"Yes. I want to go back. Show me how." I said quickly. "You gotta want it, Randa. More than you want anythin else." He told me. He got up with his wooden walkin stick and began to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned around. "What?" He asked. "I love you. And miss you. Thank you for helping me." He smiled and winked at me. "Love ya too, Randa. Yer welcome." He smiled, walking away.

I watched as he faded into the silver. I walked around the antiques, it was amazing, as if I was in a junkyard of memories. There were things from when I was a little kid, my guitar, lost toys, from my teen years, my old car.

I walked and realized, everything was shaped like a clock. I knew what to do. I walked toward my later years. A huge tarp was over everything.

I tugged, it didn't move. "C'mon!" I yelled. I wanted it so badly! I yanked it, and blackness fell over me.

I felt someone clutching my hand. I squeezed and someone jumped. "She's waking up! Stop!" It was Blake! "Sir, it's just her muscles letting go." I squeezed harder. "STOP!" He roared.

The doctors started unplugging things, I could hear it. "Are y'all stupid! Stop!" He snarled. I forced my eyes open, Blake started yelling. Everything was so blurry. "Keep fighting! You got it! C'mon Miranda!" I heard Kimberly cheer.

"Please! I need you, Miranda." At first I thought it was Blake, but it was Grace! She was okay! I opened my eyes more. There were cheers and the doctors stopped.

"She flatlined! For five whole minutes!" One of them yelled, throwing his arms up. I laughed. "Two stupid guys ain't gonna beat me!" I said, it came out as a wheeze.

Blake hugged me around the wires and I smiled. Everyone was okay! "Please don't scare me like that again." Blake begged, and for once, there were tears in his eyes.

"Okay." I said. My eyes closed, this time, welcoming sleep and nothing else, Blake held my hand the whole time.

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