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*Grace POV*

I opened my eyes. The sunshine was shining through the closed blinds and onto my face.

I panicked at first. I wasn't a home! I slowly remembered. I looked around an saw all white walls. The door opened and a string of people came in. They were all in white labcoats. All of them started fiddling with wires.

They started to ask me various questions, like "what day is it?" "What's your name?" "Are you in pain?" Etc.

I slowly answered all of their questions. Near the end, I was in a big amount of pain on my right side. I started to cry. I felt my IV move and I began to feel sleepy.


I awoke again. My stomach started growling. I looked around for a few minutes, taking in the view; my stomach rumbled, louder, this time.

I heard a laugh and looked around, it really scared me. "You sound pretty hungry!" I was again sittin next to Carrie Underwood.

I shook my head. Clearly this was a dream!? "Yeah." I laughed. She stared at me, a funny look on her face. "Why are you laughin?" She asked, smiling.

"I just. I feel like this is a dream." She shook her head. "It's not! I promise!" I smiled at her, and felt happier than I had been in days.

All of a sudden, the door burst open and a few reporters came in. They started firing questions at me. I answered a few but one blonde haired lady was polite. I answered hers.

"What happened?" She asked me. Carrie looked a bit frightened as they began attacking her too. She was more used to this as I was.

"I was walking down the street, about to cross when I saw a car heading for her. I did like anyone would probably do, push her out of the way." I shrugged.

She began to ask more questions, some were downright stupid. Like: was she cheating on her boyfriend and crap like that. I didn't expect her to ask these things.

"I would really like to eat now. If you don't mind." I yelled. The four reporters ignored me and kept asking Carrie and me questions.

We tried to ignore them but they kept bothering us. I saw a woman walk in. She was short and had blonde hair. She looked familiar.

She took one look around and yelled, "Back Off." The reporters froze. They went to attack her but she struck one of their cameras. "I said. Leave them alone." A cop came in behind her and escorted them out.

I sighed in relief. Why were they so snobby and mean? "Ran. Thank you so much!" She smiled. I realized that the woman that just walked in was Miranda Lambert. Surely I was dreaming!

"How are ya doin?" She asked me in her thick Texas accent. "I'm alright. A bit of pain. Thanks for getting rid of the reporters." I said, she looked at me and smiled.

"No problem. It's kinda fun, that's why I'm called the crazy redneck! You're really brave, y'know." "That makes sense. Haha. But I just did what I thought anyone would do." I said honestly.

They both stared at me. "You're amazing to say that!" Carrie said. I just shrugged, not knowing how to respond to her compliment.

The door opened and a girl with blonde frizzy hair walked in. "Is she awake?" She asked. Her voice was rough, like gravel.

She looked so familiar. You know when you see a star, they don't look like you think they do? "Yes. I'm awake. What is your name..?"

She looked so familiar! It was killing me! Instead of telling me, she started to sing softly:

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother

She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh,

And life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no

Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well

I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well

I've had just enough time"

I froze. I knew who that voice belonged to. I knew it. How did this happen!? I suddenly remembered what Carrie said before I fell asleep, "You saved Kimberly Perry's life." Those few words rang in my ears like silver bells.

"Kimberly..!!?" I yelled. She jumped. "Yeah. Thank you so much for saving me!" She came over and gave me a hug. I winced before smiling.

"Sorry!" She said, I could tell she was feeling guilty. "It's ok! How are you feeling? ...What happened?" I asked calmly. I didn't want to make her angry.

"How am I feeling!? How are you feeling!? You got hit by a freaking car for me!" She laughed. Then her face drooped. "I...I dddon't know. I don't really remember. But I do have nightmares. I really don't remember, sorry." She looked like she was going to cry. Her bottom lip quivered.

I patted my bed on the non hurt side. She slowly came over. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of asked." She looked at me, her brown-like-leather eyes were glazed with tears. "It's alright. I'm just shaken still. That's all." She said. I hugged her. She cried into my shoulder while I rubbed her back.

"Hey Kimberly...oh" I looked up. Reid Perry was standing in my doorway!! Well, not mine but... Anyway. "It's alright. What do you want?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.

We both looked at the mascara streaked gown. "Sorry." She said. I smiled. "It's alright. Everyone needs someone!" I smiled.

"JP is here to see you." I smiled at Kimberly. Holy crap! I was surrounded by so many famous people!

"Ok." She said. A cute man in a beat up jersey walked in. He flashed an adorable smile. She walked slowly over to him.

He wrapped her in a hug. "I've missed you, KP. Ready to take your stuff home?" Cue the "aww's" in the room! She slowly nodded. "Goodbye! Thank you so much! I will be back to see you later!" She walked away.

"Well, they got a hold of your parents and they should be here any minute. I'm going to leave so the hospital doesnt get mad!" Miranda laughed.

I felt sad. I didn't want my new friends to leave! "Bye!" I smiled. Miranda waved and left, hugging Carrie on the way out.

As soon as she left. "Spill. I know that facial expression." Carrie demanded. I gave a startled laugh.

"How did you know?" "You're bound to be overwhelmed and have something to say!" She smiled.

I sighed. "I do. I mean, I don't know! All of this is happening so fast! I'm just confused! And I wanted to talk to them more. I love talking to you. I just don't know!" I wailed. She looked stunned and then hugged me.

"It'll all be ok!" She smiled at me.

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