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*Kimberly POV*

I slowly crept back into consciousness. My vision was blurry as I looked around. You know in the movies when time moves in slow motion? That actually happens.

I saw someone being carted away to an ambulance and couldn't remember what was going on. I felt myself being lifted up and rolled away. It was very surreal.

I felt pain in my arm and became very sleepy.

Closing my eyes, I drifted away.


I awoke and looked around. I was in a hospital bed. There were red roses everywhere. I was alone.

Or so I thought.

I heard gentle snoring to my right. I looked to see Reid slumped in a chair next to my bed.

I touched him and he jumped. "Kimberly! You're awake!" I stared at him and slowly remembered. "Yeah." I said weakly.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Reid asked me, concern in his voice. "I..I think sso." I stumbled. "I don't remember." I furrowed my eyebrows. All I could remember was playing on a big stage, and bits and pieces of my past. Not all of it was there.

"I can't remember a lot of things." I started to cry. My head hurt, a lot. Reid pushed a button next to my bed and a woman walked in, holding some sort of medicine.

She put it into the IV in my hand and I began to feel drowsy. I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I smelled something delicious. On the counter across from my bed was a tray with a covered dish. I was extremely thirsty.

I looked around the room and spotted my baby brother... I couldn't remember his name! I started to panic.

He jumped up and came over to me, tears falling down my face like an angry river. "I... Can't remember my own baby brother's name!" I wailed. He looked at me.

"It's alright Kimberly! I'm sure it's just the medicine. I'm Neil, remember?" He smiled. I didn't remember much, just growing up with him. All of a sudden, he broke into an impersonation.

"My preciousss...." He hissed. I remembered that! It always freaked me out. I laughed.

"I do remember that!" I smiled. All of a sudden, the door opened. I saw my mom and dad come in, along with a man I didn't recognize. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Kimberly! We were so worried! You're awake! The other girl is still in the ICU." I stared at my dad. "What... What other girl? And who is he?" I pointed to the man in a blue sports jersey.

He looked a little crestfallen. "Sorry." "It's alright, JP, she didn't remember me either. I think it's the medicine." Neil laughed.

JP... That rang a bell. I couldn't remember how I knew him. "It's alright, baby doll. Just get better, KP." He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Wait.. What.. What did you say earlier?" I asked, looking down and furrowing my eyebrows again.

"The other girl is in the ICU." I looked up and stared at my mom. "What are you talking about?"

Reid walked into the room. "Kimberly... They said that a car tried to hit you. A woman working in a sandwhich shop said that you were walking and a car came out of nowhere and tried to hit you. A woman with strawberry blonde hair ran in front of the car and pushed you out of the way." He finished.

I sat for a few moments.

I finally looked at my father. I remembered that he was a doctor. "Dad, how is she? When can I see her?" He looked at me sadly. "They had to do a lot of surgeries to fix her ribs and other things. I won't give you the details now, but they do not know if she will wake up."

Those last few words hung in the air: if she will wake up. I shuttered and the words seemed to haunt me like a silver mist.

"What do we do now?" I asked, breaking the long pause. "We wait and pray." My father answered.

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