Beside You: Chapter 1

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Jennifer’s POV

Calum slowly put the last of his things into his bag, his hands slowly folding them as he laid his clothes into it. My eyes welled up with tears, knowing that he was gonna be gone for a few months. Touring with one Direction all over the US and Canada was gonna be huge for him. This Where We Are Tour was stadiums.... STADIUMS! So who was I to stand in his way? But it broke my hear to think I’d be sleeping alone.....I knew he didn‘t want to leave me either.....

“Please don’t ever leave.” I breathed out.

“Oh Jeny, babe, I wish I didn’t have to go.” he said softly, glancing up at me, this look of heartbreak on his face. His eyebrows knitted together, and his eyes glistening with tears. His hair a bit of a mess, framing his caramel skin.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to function without you beside me,” I said.

“We’re a face time away. You know that.” he said, sitting down beside me, on our bed.

I just let him take my hand, and soon his hand gently landed on my face, and our foreheads leaned against one another‘s.

“She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home, I wish I was.... I wish I was, beside you,” he crooned softly.

I leaned into his shoulder and cried. It was truly that song in real life in this very moment. He was leaving for almost three months, and I didn’t know if my heart could take that kind of separation. Sure I had work to keep me busy, and my photography on the side. I’d manage, I guess.

“I love you.” he whispered, his lips gently pressing to my forehead, then burying his nose in my hair.

“I love you too.” I replied, letting my lips lay gently over his collarbone, before we pulled apart. “You’re gonna miss your flight....”

He just nodded and took my hand, then his large duffel bag in his other hand. We walked downstairs together, and like clockwork his band mates pulled up in their van to pick him up. He went to put his things in the van and then came back to do one last check, making sure he didn’t forget anything.

“Bags.. check... phone... check... coat check..” he rambled.

“You forgot your Jeny....” I whispered.

He sighed and came over to kiss my lips. “I didn’t forget her, I just can’t take her with me this time,” he whimpered.

He got in one last tight hug, one last kiss, one last I love you, and went out to his band mates to get in the van. I paused at the door and watched them pull away. I knew I’d see videos of them online soon enough and for him, time would probably fly by, but for me, it felt like forever. Just watching that van drive away was far too long for me. It was like God was taunting me with his absence.

I turned away from the door and went inside to get a long hot shower, before getting into my scrubs and heading to the hospital. I’m a midwife at Fairfield Hospital in Sydney. Delivering babies was a passion of mine. Nothing was better than bringing new life into this world. Except, maybe being wrapped in Calum’s arms. When I arrived at the hospital the nurses were happy to greet me.

“Hello Jennifer, Sasha came in this morning, we’re only a few hours out.....” Janine smiled. “Oh my gosh yay.” I smiled.

Sasha was a first time mum, at 27 being blessed with twin boys. I was so excited to help her bring her babies into this world.

“Jeny!” I heard and my best friend and coworker Vanessa came in. She was dating Calum’s bandmate Luke. She must have had her own tearful departure, her eyes were still puffy.

"Hey you." I said with a sad smile. "Luke have to pry you off of him this morning?"

She nodded and hugged me. "He cried too." she whispered.

"Oh honey, shhh, it's okay. Hey, this will cheer you up, Sasha in she's in labor." I smiled.

That seemed to lighten her mood a little. "What time was she brought in and how far along?"

"About 6 AM this morning, she's only at 4 centimeters." I said, looking over her chart.

"And twin two looks to have turned around so he's no longer breach, fabulous." she said. "Good baby."

"Yes he's a very good baby.... lets go check on her shall we?" I smiled.

"Yeah I guess we can do that." She joked.

I chuckled and we went in to find sasha with her husband looking tired, but pain free, due to the epidural I seen her hooked up to.

"Decided on pain maintence Sasha?" I smiled.

"Yeah thought it might be smart after I almost broke Scott's hand and calling the other midwife a dumb blonde skank." she said nonchalantly.

"Awww Sasha, its okay, I've been slapped so no worries." I smiled and went to sit at her feet and check her. "Well the meds seem to be doing beautifully, you're at 6 centimeters, up two in an hour.... Keep at this rate we'll have babies by lunchtime." I smiled, setting her legs back down.

"And hopefully those contractions stay nice and strong so we won't require pitocine to speed them up." Nessie said.

"Yeah they are plenty strong." Sasha said sinking back, letting her eyes close. "Can I rest?" "Absolutely sweetheart, we'll be back in about an hour to check on you, okay..." I smiled.

She nodded and we exited.

“She's progressing very quickly now." I said.

"I know I hope it doesnt cause any stress on the babies." Nessie sighed as she filled out Sasha's clipboard.

"We'll keep a close eye, and her monitors are on... So we'll know the second something changes..." I said, as we set it aside.

Just then I saw our doors open and in came Felicia. She was a first time mum, and everytime something tiny happened she came in to see us, especially now that she was so close to delivery.

"Felicia! Vanessa is right here, she'll get you situated." I spoke up quickly.

"Thanks Jeny! Her movements have slowed down and its freaking me out." She said, her eyes full of panic.

"Alright, let's have a look." Vanessa said, glaring at me.

Felicia was in to see us once a week, so we both tried to avoid getting her. It was always something so simple.

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