Chapter 11

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Jeny's POV

I woke the next morning still asleep in that back room wrapped in Calum's arms, Bella at our feet. I was so happy in this moment. I couldn't believe how happy I was lying here with him.

There was noise in the front half of the bus so the others must have been up. But I didn't care, I just wanted to lay here forever. Around fifteen minutes or so later I heard yawning at the end of the couch and I saw Bella stretching out of the corner of my eye.

I smiled and she moved up to us and began licking all over Calum's face.

"Mmm, Eny..." he mumbled in his sleep.

Bella sniffed his ear then licked his nose over and over.

"Ewwwww Jeny you have dog breath." He cringed. "Baaaad doggie breath."

I giggled. "So not me babe."

He cracked one big brown eye open just as Bella decided to pounce on him. It was playtime.

"Bella!" he laughed. She barked at him and continued to pounce.

"Wahhhh, too early." he said, covering up.

"She doesn't care, Daddy's awake now which means its playtime." I laughed. "Or she needs to go wee wee."

"Probably wee wee, can you go ask the driver if we can stop to let her out to potty?" he asked. I nodded and went up wrapped in a blanket, and he agreed. So we quickly let Bella out to potty, and after only three minutes we were back on the road.

"Good girl, let's go bug Daddy again." I said to her. We went back and he was fast asleep again, so she went close to him, sniffed his face, then barked at him. alum shot awake screaming like a girl, limbs flying all over the place and the blankets tumbling to the floor.

I giggled and smiled. "Awww baby, did Bella scare you?" I said, before bursting into hysterical laughter. I couldn't help it, it was hilarious....

"Are you laughing at me? Don't laugh at me why are you laughing at me? It's not nice." He pouted.

"Because you are adorable." I smiled and leaned down to kiss him softly for a few seconds extra. "All better?"

He responded by giggling goofily and chasing my lips with his. "More."

"More huh?" I giggled, trying to play a bit and avoid them.

"Eny kiss me." he said with his playful angry face.

"You gonna spank me if I don't?" I giggled.

"Nope because it's exactly that's what you want." he said, giving the cheek right back.

"Mm, baby I love you so much." I cooed, before giving him the lips he wanted for a moment, before pulling away. "Come on, let's stop being anti social and go join everyone.."

He grumbled in protest and hid under the blankets again. Bella whimpered a little and pawed at the lump where his body was.

"Alright, come on Bella, let's leave Daddy to pout. Are you hungry sweet girl? Come on, follow Mummy." I cooed and we headed out to join everyone.

"Oh look Bella, there's scraps for you already." I laughed, noticing the pile of eggs and bacon at Michael's feet. "How did that happen?"

She rushed over to clean up after the messy boys, her tail wagging happily.

"I repeat Michael, how did half of your breakfast end up on the floor?" I said, tapping my foot.

"I bumped it.... I'm sorry." he pouted.

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