Chapter 25

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Jen's POV

"Okie dokie," I said, and headed out to see Michael fast asleep hi head on a pillow on Ashton's lap, who was also asleep, both of them snoring.

Awwwww look how cute they are, it would be so rude of me to disturb their slumber......ah hell with it I'm evil and I can't pass this up. I tip-toed like a ninja over to the row of seats they were sitting in and bent down so that my lips were perfectly in line with Ashton's ear. I stood there in complete silence, not one sound coming out of me. Then I opened my mouth and said......"ASHTON!"

"AHHHHH PURPLE BUNNIES AND PINK KANGAROOS!!!!!!!!" he squealed, jumping up, sending Michael flying to the floor.

I've doubled over absolutely cackling with laughed and slapping my knees like some bizaro seal. "Ohhhhhhh you should have seen your faces!" I snorted.

"What did I ever do to you?" Michael whined, rubbing his backside, "I'm telling Harry."

"Yeah because I'm afraid of the big bad Cheshire cat." I said while wiping my streaming eyes. "Is there a particular reason for waking us up and scaring us half to death?" Ashton asked me in a gruff voice. "What? Oh yeah the baby's born." I replied.

"REALLY?!?!?" they asked brightly sitting up, very excited,. "Yes

!!!" I said. "Oh my gosh, I have to call my hazzy bear!!!!" Michael said, brightly.

"I call first dibs on the baby!" Ashton announced before taking off down the corridor. I stood there patiently waiting for him to come back and sure enough no more then 10 seconds later he re-appeared. "Hey Jeeeeeny ummmmm......what room are they in?" he said.

I just laughed and led them to the right room, shaking my head. When they entered he snatched her straight from Calum. "Hey you cock, I had her first." Calum whined.

"Calum Thomas." Vanessa said sharply, making him jump. "There will be no swearing in front of the child." "But I swear in front of Luke all the time." he replied.

"I meant Ashleigh," she growled. I chuckled and took Calum's hand, leading him out of the room. "So, were you serious about having a baby?" I cooed, slipping my hands around his neck and kissing him softly.

"Very serious." he grinned against my lips. "We should probably wait until later the tour to start trying though. Wait until I'm not so worn out so I can get back to my prime love making status."

"You are always at your prime love making status," I chuckled, "NO complaints!!!"

"There may be no complaints from you, but me and my hand have had that much quality time together when you haven't been around that I know when I'm at my prime." he laughed.

"OH lord, Cal," I said, pushing his shoulder, "Okay, then no sex till you're back to your prime!!!"

"Wait a second I never said no sex." he said with a panicked expression.

"Well, it sounded like it to me mister, so your wish is my command," I chuckled, and began to walk away, my hands up in surrender.

"Jennifer Rae I want your last name to be Hood one day you get back here right now!" he demanded and I heard the sole of his sneaker slap loudly against the linoleum floor.

"Are you threatening me Mr Hood?" I asked, before slowly turning around. "Ummm, maybe?" he squeaked, seeing my I'm not amused face.

"Because that is what is sounded like to me." I said in a low, dangerous tone. "You know how much I hate being controlled and ordered around."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I just, I love you so much, and to think of not being able to MAKE love to you, it hurts me heart," he pouted.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaand there's the pouty face I wanted to see my mission is complete." I celebrated.

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