Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

So this was it. Tour was restarting in Australia. the home of where my heart was. This was actually happening... I was gonna have to face him, all over again. Entering that first arena for rehearsals, I wasn't sure if my legs could hold me up.

"Hey mate, hows it going, um, let's go get some food," Niall said, appearing out of nowhere and leading me away from the green room.

"I don't want food." I mumbled.

"Come on mate ya gotta eat something." Louis said.

"I just made a sandwich, here have a bite."

"I don't want a bite." I whined.

"Besides, who wants to go to some stinky green room. anyway," Liam chuckled nervously.

"With Luke's radioactive arse in there it's definitely stinky." Niall grimaced. "Oh that's the pot calling the kettle black." Said Louis.

"Look, I'm not hungry... I just wanna go sit in the green room and pout okay?!" I said, firmly, shaking them off and trying to head back.

"Awww, come on, you don't wanna go in there do ya?" Liam said, cutting me off.

"Um yeah, I do, why are you guys being so weird?!" I demanded.

"We're always weird Harry." Niall laughed. "I meant what are you up to?" I huffed.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Louis said with a grin. I just rolled my eyes and shoved past them, busting into the green room. to hear familiar laughter... then I saw it, Michael, all snuggled up with Tyler Freaking Oakley. Okay, now it really hurts..... he'd moved on?! already?! and brought him here?!

"Harry!" Tyler chirped when he spotted me., "How are you honey?" Michael elbowed him in the ribs and he cleared his throat.

"I mean, Styles" He said curtly.

"So this is how you're gonna be?" I asked Michael, "You're just gonna torture me? after believing the lies that bitch told?! You just, wipe our time together, our love under the rug and come parading a new guy around in front of me?"

"I'm not parading, you're the one who walked in here." Michael snapped.

"You brought him on TOUR!!!! he shouldn't even be here!!!" I said, angrily.

Michael leaped to his feet and glared menacingly at me.

"Paul said we're allowed to bring partners on the tour with us! Luke has Nessie, Ashton has Rae, Calum has Jen! I'm not doing anything wrong Harry!"

"Fine, but there's not gonna be a tour if I'm not here, because I refuse to just stay here and watch you with someone else," I said, firmly.

"EXCUSE ME?!?!? I caught you in BED with some girl!!!!" he barked.

"A CRAZY FUCKIGN FAN WHO BROKE INTO MY APARTMENT AND DRUGGED MY ASS!" I shouted and stormed out. To fuck with him!

"What's with all the yelling?" Yawned Zayn who had been passed out asleep in a random lounge in the corridor.

"Nothing," I said, and stormed off to the stage of that stadium. thank god it was still empty. I just sat on the side of the stage and put my head in my hands to cry. My heart was breaking fresh, all over again.

"Do you have any proof?" I heard that soft Australian accent ask.

"Of what?" I growled, not even looking up.

"Of what you just said?" he rephrased.

"Toxicology reports from a hospital. I was sick for days after, she roofied me, heavily, didn't remember anything till recently..... so yes I have proof.. if you paid attention to the news you would have heard of her arrest," I growled.

"So you really were drugged and she really did break into your house?" He said.

"Yeah," I said, simply, "So like I said that night, I didn't touch her...."I just rung my hands together before I began playing with that damn ring. it was on my right ring finger, and hadn't left it since the day he left me.

" Harry I.......I don't know what to say. " he said, his voice quivering.

"You don't need to say anything, go back to your boyfriend," I grumbled and stood up going over to Jon Shone's keyboard and began playing a simple tune to try and ignore Michael's presence.

" should know that I only got together with Tyler to make you jealous." Michael admitted.

"Well, that's great, it didn't work, it only made my heart break into smaller bits yeah? So please, stop torturing me, and just, go," I said, softly.

"Not until you talk to me....." he said.

"Well then I'll go," I said, and began stalking past him, before he grabbed my arm and yanked me back, pressing his lips to mine. I yanked away.

"what the hell?!?!?!" I asked, fingers to my lips.

" I just kissed you I would have thought that was obvious." His little cheeky smile returned but I wish it hadn't because it made me want to leap into his arms.

"I see that, I felt it, but why? Is this some sort of sick game?" I whimpered.

"not even for a second," he said, and pulled me back in for another kiss.

'Awwww," we heard and turned to see Tyler all clucky.

"You think this is adorable?" I asked.

"Yes," he cooed.

"You want us to stop?" Michael chuckled.

"NO," he whined, gesturing for us to continue.

"Wait you're okay with this?" I asked him. He stuck a hand on his hip and gave me a look that said 'how thick could you be?'

"Duh! I was crushed when you two broke up so I vowed that I would do everything in my power to prove that you still loved Michael and so on and so forth."

"So, you did this to get us back together?" Michael asked.

"Hello sweetheart, ding ding.. now go on, back to the smoochies.. and PS when the wedding DOES happen, I better get an invite," he said, firmly with a smirk.

"Girl you can be a bloody groomsmen for what you've done." I grinned.

"Good, bye boys, continue," he grinned and headed out. I turned to Michael and pulled him back to me, pressing my lips hard to his.

"I love you," I whispered, "And if you were truly gonna ask, my answer is yes, as soon as you're ready to ask it again..."

"I'll ask you again tomorrow or something. Right now I just want you. " he grunted.

"You know I heard Louis say that there's a bed in one of the rooms back stage." I suggested.

"then let's go," he said, and yanked me off stage. Naughty naughty little aussie......

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