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Q1: What type of books do you read on wattpadd?

I read books that are about those in high school and aren't supernatural or those when there isn't any type of romance

Q2: What's your favorite Genre?


Q3: What do you think needs to be improved on wattpadd?

That more people should make stories that aren't all fanfiction since all I'm seeing are One Direction books

Q4: What do you like best in people, eg (personality)

Their personality and mean their REAL personality , not something they use to make others happy and to look like them

Q5: What inspires you to write/read?

Everything in life ! It's like I'm full of ideas

Q6: When did you start writing?

Um ...... I guess in 7th or 8th grade

Q7: Do you believe you Can find love on wattpadd?

Um no . I gotta know these people and stuff xD

Q8: What story of yours is most successful on wattpadd? ( explain abit about the story ) ?

I guess it's Clueless Heart since it's about a girl who fights of gangs in Japan and she loses her memory

Q9: Do you believe people should only fan others if they have written a good story and not for no reason?

Yes ! Since most probably won't even read the story and my not even like the persons stories

Q10: When readin a story what mistake do u hate most? Eg ( spelling,grammar)

When it's in text form !!!! I was reading the question and I saw what you did . I even hate it during roleplay since I be so confused

Alright I'm done :3 Can I have a taco ?

Haha, thanks for taking part in the interview, and I wish you luck with your future writing XD

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