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Q1: What type of books do you read on wattpadd?

My favorite type of books to read on Wattpad are Teen Wolf fan-fics.

Q2: What's your favorite Genre?

My favorite genre is romance.

Q3: What do you think needs to be improved on wattpadd?

I don't think Wattpad needs to improve.

Q4: What do you like best in people, eg (personality)

I like people that are friendly. I also like when people post the nicest comments on your story.

Q5: What inspires you to write/read?

My friend @Lis023 inspires me to read. She is the person that got me on Wattpad in the first place. She is a great writer, so check her out.

Q6: When did you start writing?

I have been writing since I was five years old. I have always wanted to be a professional writer with a published book.

Q7: Do you believe you Can find love on wattpadd?

I don't believe that you can find love on Wattpad because some people aren't who they say they are.

Q8: What story of yours is most successful on wattpadd? ( explain abit about the story ) ?

My most successful story on Wattpad is called The Adventure of My Life. The story is about a girl, Annabelle, who watches her parents murdered in front of her. She later realizes that they weren't her real parents. Annabelle and her two friends travel from California to Washington DC to get to her real parents.

Q9: Do you believe people should only fan others if they have written a good story and not for no reason?

I believe people should fan people just out of the goodness of their heart. If somebody doesn't write very good, a fan will cheer them up. The people that have only 5 fans are most likely great writers, they just need support.

Q10: When readin a story what mistake do u hate most? Eg ( spelling,grammar)

When reading a story, I hate any mistake.

Thanks for taking part in the interview. I wish you luck on your future writing XD

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