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Q1: What type of books do you read on wattpadd? 

I'll read anything. My favorites, of course, will remain Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Q2: What's your favorite Genre? 


Q3: What do you think needs to be improved on wattpadd? 

There's something about the ranking system and how it is related to how much exposure that any one story gets that's not quite optimal yet. ( huh? ) Um...I think they should make the ranking system better. It would be too harsh to say that it's not fair. But I think it needs some tweaking. I just don't know how. ( ! )

Q4: What do you like best in people, eg (personality) 

Sense of humor. The ability to laugh at yourself and not take life so seriously all the time. Haha!

Q5: What inspires you to write/read? 

Random thoughts that come zinging into my head. Sometimes seeing a bad movie and thinking how i could make it so much better by just changing a few simple things. What inspires me to read are original ideas. Even if the writing style is phenomenal, if the ideas that the writer is presenting to me are mundane, it turns me off.

Q6: When did you start writing? 

High School. Creative writing class. I wrote a couple of pieces and it made the other kids laugh. I was hooked!

Q7: Do you believe you Can find love on wattpadd? 

Wattpadd? Are you nuts?! Haha! Just kidding... Yes, I believe you can find love on Wattpad... just not for me.

Q8: What story of yours is most successful on wattpadd? ( explain abit about the story ) ? 

So far, my short story, Remember, has had the most reads. I never would have predicted that. It was a taking to extreme of an idea that I once read in some random science article. The concept intrigued me and I think I sat down and wrote that story in a day. Best thing I ever did.

Q9: Do you believe people should only fan others if they have written a good story and not for no reason? 

Personally, I think one should at least read two or three of a writer's stories, get to know what that writer is capable of in a general sense, before one should commit to fanning someone. I think a writer has to have a certain consistency to their talent before they can earn a following and that's what fans are, right? I know some might not agree with this idea. :-)

Q10: When reading a story what mistake do u hate most? Eg ( spelling,grammar) 

Yes, I guess spelling must be number one. I mean, it's difficult to come up with an excuse for not pressing the spell check button. I just can't think of one. Haha! :D

Great! I'm liking your answers, I wish you luck on your future writing xD

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