Ch. 56 The Planning Catastrophe

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Aphmau's POV

2 months later

I been getting so stressed out from all of the wedding planning, along with keeping my pregnancy a secret between Y/N and me. I been so stressed out, and so far, I've managed to hide the stress it's causing me from everyone, including Y/N. I can't do this by myself anymore.
I need to be honest with Y/N and tell him that we need someone to be our wedding planner. I think to myself, I'll tell him when he gets back home. He said Lucinda needed his help with something.

Your POV

1 hour later

I get back home after I helped out Lucinda. I go inside and sense that Aph is upset. I think to myself, She must be so stressed that she's might actually say it to me. I've noticed that she's been stressed at lot lately.
I find Aphmau crying in our bedroom with her ears and tail out. I stroke her ears and say to her in a soothing voice, "Aph, is this your way of saying we need someone else to take of planning the wedding?"
She calms down and says, "Yes. How did you know?" I answer, "We're mind-linked due to the mating, remember? I could tell you've been very stressed lately. I was just waiting until you were ready to give up on the wedding planning yourself."
I could sense that she was calm now. I hug her and kiss her on the cheek. Then I asked her, "Who do you think would be willing to do all of the wedding planning?" She answers, "I thought Katelyn, and maybe Kawaii~Chan, could do it."
I kiss her and say, "I call Katelyn over now, okay?" She nods.
I grab my phone and call Katelyn. (K=Katelyn Y=You)
K: Hello? Who is it?
Y: Katelyn, it's me. Y/N.
K: Oh, hey Y/N. What can I do for ya?
Y: Could you come over to my house? Aph and I need help. I discuss the rest of the details when you get here.
K: Okay? I'll be right over. Bye.
Y: Thanks Katelyn. Bye
I hang up and wait for Katelyn.
About an hour later, I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs and open it and see Katelyn. I invite her inside and Aph helps me explain everything. When we finish, Katelyn agrees to plan the wedding. We thank her and she leaves.

2 months later

Katelyn comes back over to our house. I turn to her and ask, "What do you need Aph and me to decide on now?" Katelyn smiles and says, "Nothing. It's all planned out." Aph runs over to Katelyn and hugs her, so I join in. Aphmau and I both say in unison, "Thanks a lot, Katelyn."
She says, "No problem guys. Remember the wedding is next week."
I turn to Aph and say, "We'll be husband and wife next week." She kisses me and I kiss back.

I know this was a weird chapter that was all over the place, but I had to get to the wedding before Lucinda's kid and Aphmau's kid are born.
Master out.

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