Living the Homestuck Life ~ 38

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        I am truly scared on what is about to come. I have made an outlined and tried to plan out accordingly about things that will be happening. And this is what I have concluded on what the endings will be. I believe that I have mentioned this is a previous chapter in the beginning or end of the story that I will be giving out choices of the ending and you, the fans, will choose what will be a good ending for this fanfiction. And the other one will be an ending of the webcomic. (If there will be one...I am hoping)

So this is what I have concluded (subject to change in the future)

This is the primary route: (Spoilers) During the Cascade, Rebecca has gone and tried to find Vanessa in some point in time from the Condescension after months of searching for her. (She will not be appearing in some chapters after chapter 40-something). Angela has woken in Derse and is accompanied with Dave and Rose. On the ship with the Condesce, a bloody and injured Vanessa is lying on the floor. The Condesce and Rebecca make a deal. Vanessa is revived just slightly to give more time to Rebecca. However, the Condesce accesses Rebecca's mind. Obey. Concure. Consume. Rebecca stops time from it happening any further and takes Vanessa away. She dies. Vanessa awakens on Derse with Angela and the others. They all go Godtier. Fast forward, on the meteor, Rebecca is slowly changing. Dave and Rebecca form a closer relationship. At the end, it has been already 2 years, Rebecca has disappeared and is now trapped. She is scared and alone. Jade and Jane transform into grimdark and under the Condesce's control. The lone girl sits on the floor while playing with a ball. She tosses it at the wall and it comes back to her. Just when the ball is near her face, it stops with a red, glowing aura surrounding it. She has finally mastered the power of time. The lone girl has a wicked, large grin on her face has she is gone and never could return with dark insides. Jade takes Spencer hostage and transports him in a cell. Rebecca and Spencer encounter each other. Spencer is willing to help Rebecca. Rebecca snaps and inside the darkness shows a bit of light, however she stubbornly declines and leaves Spencer behind after a loud preach. Spencer is behind and confused. He slowly sits on the floor with tears streaming down his face. His castle of glass slowly cracking around him. During the battle on Jade's land, Rebecca has died a just death. Francis, Vanessa's teenage grandmother, zaps Rebecca with life as she started to fall off the cliff. Dave runs after her and tries to catch her as she falls. He grabs onto her and...she is revived. (This is most likely to change because Homestuck is not finished yet...but this is the basic idea)

Optional Endings:

1)They all go home safely. However, Rebecca, not wanting to go any further, stops time and rewinds all the way to the beginning. Before she even existed or any other person was even born. Everyone is safe and they never had played the game. Although, Rebecca was never born. But everything is at peace and the world was in a perfect balance. But, it will be mentioned, in a scene there is a computer that is on and is on a word document. The writer is looking at the screen with bursts of colorful ideas of a story, a story that readers will grow to love. The writer begins to type..."What if fiction can be turned to reality..." Behind the computer, the author, is a boy, a boy named Spencer. And he was going to tell a tale like no other. A tale about a hero and friends. A heroine who is a girl ... a girl named, Rebecca.

2) They all finish the game and get home safely. After high school, they have all graduated and went their seperate ways. Rebecca is paleontologist, Angela studies astrology (to look out for universes such as Karkat's or maybe similar to his), Spencer is a guns-man and a scientist, and Vanessa is still studying in medical school to get a PhD. They all encounter with the kids, Dave, Rose, Jade, and John, but have no rememberance of them or mostly feel like Deja vu. Because, after the game, everything went back to normal.

I don't think there is a bad ending or a good ending, but it all depends after the update for Homestuck. The route still will follow Fate vs. Free will and a lot of self-conlflict. And Fear is a big thing. So much arcs in such little time! >n<

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