Living the Homestuck Life~ 32

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Wow, we made it this far! I mean..we're past 30 chapters! How did we get THIS FAR!
Thanks to you fantastic people! :3333

****I have decided on the ships that will be canon, including the ships that are canonically canon...? You know what I mean.****

“Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up.”
The Wonder Years (Television Show)

Spencer dedication (Especially to all those Knights out there)

Song:Little Lion Man
By: Mumford & Sons
Weep for yourself, my man
You'll never be what is in your heart
Weep, little lion man
You're not as brave as you were at the start
But it was not your fault, but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?
Tremble for yourself, my man
You know that you have seen this all before
Tremble, little lion man
 But it was not your fault, but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my dear?

Chapter 32

Back to the Beta Timeline
On a planet called “Land of Comets and Gravitation”

                You felt your head pounding, you heard a loud roaring river, and felt a soft, sandy ground underneath you. You slowly opened your eyes to an endless dark sky with glistening stars, colorful shooting comets, and rays of colorful northern lights.

                “Whoa,” you breathed, taking in the beautiful sight.

                You slowly got up, feeling your arms and back tense up, but ignoring the feeling you looked at the heavenly sky with a longing gaze in your eyes. Waves of air blew through your chestnut locks as you looked around the scenery of your new planet.

                “All mediums are in a place called the Incipisphere,” you heard Rebecca’s voice in your head.

                “Incipisphere,” you repeated the word to yourself, trying to get use to the sound.

                You looked and found the river that roared next to you. It reflected the beautiful colors of the northern lights above. The lights followed the streaming river as it went down to the planet’s horizon. As you tried to pull up your foot, you felt your foot shake and fall immediately.

                “Ah,” you said, “What just-”
You again tried to pull your foot back up but failed miserably. You did it again, but this time you fell into the deep river.

                Bubbles surround you and filled your vision. You tried to swat at them and try to swim up but as you looked above you then you noticed that it seemed like you were more than a hundred feet deep in the water. You were extremely confused on how this could possibly happen.

However, it really was just the gravitational pull that pulled you down immediately as you crashed into the water. Even though the gravity is less in the water compared to land, the gravitational pull on your medium is way stronger than it is on your planet Earth. But of course, you will find a way to overcome the gravitational pull.

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