Living the Homestuck Life ~ 13

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This is just something dumb. Next chapter, hopefully, will be good. 

Sorry if it's shorter than usual....:T 

thank you.  

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This (Living the Homestuck Life) is on a loose string my peeps :T


Chapter 13

 Walking from the school’s games that we again lost, my feet colliding with the scratched up concrete sidewalks that trailed down a darken path in the neighborhood. Why was I walking alone you may ask? Well because of the football game, my friends couldn’t make it and my parents were out working. And to make this all worse, it is in the middle of winter. The cold bittering wind pounding at your face making your nose red and frozen, your hands red and numb, and your whole body in shock of shivers and shakes. The most beautiful weather in the world. 

            As I sniffled, I stopped at the intersection of Spring Cypress and waited for the walking light to advice me to cross. I brushed my hands together and blew warm air onto them. They cramped and screamed from the agonizing weather. “C’mon little walking man. Appear,” I mumbled, stuttering a little.

However, something caught my eye, as I looked up I noticed something bright with many changing neon colors. “What is that?” I asked myself. I squinted my icicle eyes to try to focus on the weird figures up in the darken sky. It appeared to me to be … scratches? In the sky?  

My voice soon left out from my mouth, as if I couldn’t control myself, “If only they were real. Please be real!” My voice was hoarse and scratchy from the dryness and coldness. Moreover, I, my mind knew what I was talking about. In addition, I felt determined of this to happen.

A car honked for my attention and I noticed the sign to cross lit up. “Oh,” I ran as fast as I can across the intersection. I cut cross into the small gas station that was near my neighborhood.

I tripped over the curbed and caught myself from falling, stumbling around and bumping into other bystanders that stood around. “Sorry,” I mumbled, pushing a loose brown strand of hair behind my hair. I pulled the door open and was greeted by nice warm air.

I inhaled and exhaled happily, “Hi Amend!”

“Hi Becca! What do you wish to buy today? You didn’t take your mom’s credit card again did you?” Amend said, chuckling at the last part.

“Oh no. I brought my own money today Mister Amend.” I smiled, taking out my cash of five dollars, “And the regular please!”

“Okay.” He bent down and took out a bag of Doritos and a can of Dr. Pepper, “I had the stuff waiting for you.”

“Thank you!” I smiled, “Hey Amend, did you notice those weird things in the sky?” I asked him, opening my Doctor Pepper.

“Yeah. It was on the news,” he said, “Hey Ricky! Turn the T.V. up!”

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