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-Do you miss not speaking to the loyl?

"More than you can imagine. She's everything to me, and having her shut me out hurts. I know it's my own damn fault, but I miss her so much. But then again, I also miss her every time she's even in a different room."

-How soon do you want to get married to Katherine?

"Honestly, it's up to her. At this point, I'm fine with just driving to the courthouse and getting it done. As long as she's mine, it doesn't matter."

-What's it like, having the BEST lady in the world?

"It's fantastic. Kat is the single best thing that has ever happened to me. She's my better half, honestly. Just seeing her face brightens my whole mood."

-If you could change one thing about your relationship with Kat, truthfully, would you do it?  And if you could, what would it be?

"I would. I wouldn't change Kat for the world, but I wish we were better at communicating with each other. That would solve about half of our problems right away."

-How do you think things would have been if Kat wasn't interested in you from day one? What if she had fallen for another Kliq boy?

"I would have fought for her. That was the original plan anyway. I had no idea she was going to fall for me as easily as I did her, but I'm glad she did. I'd be pretty jealous if she fell for one of the boys. That's never good."


-What are your favorite things about Shawn?

"I like to say I love him for his hair, because it annoys him. But mostly his personality. He's such a goofball, I've got to love him."

-Which Kliq boy do you think you'd have fallen for, if it wasn't Shawn?

"This is hard! They're all my friends. Probably Paul? I know him the most, and he's a great guy. He's always there for Shawn and I. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't have a slight crush on Big Kev when I first met him. You know, after the initial, "Oh my God, this guy is huge!"

-What are your thoughts on the Monday Night Wars?

"Well obviously I favor our side. I have to, or Dad might disown me! I'm joking, of course, but I do think we're holding on pretty well. WCW does have some of our friends, though, and they're pretty talented."


-Have you ever been interested in Katherine, even though she's your best friend's girl?

"First off, if you think every one of us didn't have eyes on her when Shawn first brought her around, you're lying to yourself. Secondly, not only is she my best friend's girl, but she's one of my best friends, so I'm not allowed to. But I won't lie and say I'm not attracted to her or haven't been interested at times."

-What's something crazy that has happened to you during your friendship with Katherine?

"Most of the time, Kat is pretty predictable. She's a tame person when she's not with Shawn, but every once in a while I guess she just gets a wild hair. Anyway, we were on the road somewhere and we stopped at Walmart. Shawn and I were walking and shooting the shit when we both just stopped and realized we lost Kat. Out of nowhere, she flies past us riding on a cart, grinning like a maniac. It took me a sold minute of shock before I started cracking up."

-What do you think about the current WCW landscape, my man? How do you think ya boys are doing over there?

"The boys are doing the best they can with what they've got. What they've got is a paper bag full of dog shit, but they're trying. I don't envy them right now."


-How do you feel about Shawn and Kat's relationship at this point?

"Honestly, it's out of my hands. Katherine is a McMahon, so she's not going to listen to a single thing I tell her to do. I don't know if I trust that guy's mental state, but Kat seems happy enough. But mark my words, if he hurts that girl, his ass is grass."

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