Chapter 16: I Love You Too

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August 18, 1996

Kat's POV

SummerSlam Sunday was a bright morning. I couldn't help but be shivering with excitement. SummerSlam was our second biggest event of the year, and it was always a spectacle. It was like third Christmas (With Wrestlemania being second Christmas, of course).

I woke the guys up early because there was a lot to do. Shawn hated me for it, but he couldn't stay mad at me long. Getting up was never a problem for Paul, on the other hand.

I made pancakes for breakfast, or at least attempted. I set off the smoke alarm system and someone from the lobby had to come make sure we were okay. The pancakes didn't turn out that bad. Half of them were pretty burnt, but the guys didn't complain too much. If you ever wanted them to shut up, setting food in front of them was a surefire way to do so.

"You're so worked up today," Shawn finally commented for the first time that day. The only other words he'd spoken to us yet had been expletives.

"Of course I am. It's 'the biggest party of the Summer'. Why aren't you worked up?" I asked in between bites.

He shrugged and grabbed another pancake. I'd made way too many, but I was sure they wouldn't be wasted.

"Are you looking forward to your match tonight?" I wanted to keep conversation flowing, instead of sitting in silence.

He rolled his eyes. "Fucking Leon. The guy's so stiff, it's like working with a brick wall." He was referring to Leon White, who the fans knew as Vader. Shawn found him awful to work with, and he had ranted to us just about a thousand times about it.

"So that's a no, then?"

"I love what I do, and I'm sure tonight's payoff will be great, but I hate working with that prick." He thought for a second, then added, "Maybe you can take my place."

Paul snorted. "Kat couldn't hurt a fly."

"Oh, really?" I asked, mock offended. "I'll fight you, Paul!"


"Yes! And I bet I could beat your ass."

"I'm not going to fight you," he told me. He had that serious Paul look that only he could muster.

"Bitch," I muttered, still teasing, "Why not?"

"Woah woah woah, Paul may be many things, but he's no bitch," Shawn cut in.

"Yes he is. He's a little bitch who won't fight me," I pouted.

Paul sighed, but he couldn't hide the amused smile that was tugging at his lips. "Fine. One of these days, you and me, we'll slug it out."


He nodded.

"Shake on it." I held out my hand, which he took.

Shawn looked between us in either wonder or bewilderment... maybe both. "What the fuck did I just witness?" he muttered, mostly to himself.

Paul just laughed. "The making of a match, brother."


Leon and Shawn went over every aspect of their match, from start to finish. Shawn was perfectly capable of just calling a match in ring and making it fantastic, but as this was SummerSlam, everyone wanted it to be perfect. There were several different spots that had to happen. The finish was all wonky, but it made for great storytelling. Our writers could make something worth while when they actually tried.

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