59. "Jasper The Publicist"

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I sat on the chair with my head down low.

"How could you dissapeared for months?! You didn't tell me where you were, you didn't call, you didn't even send a text! Do you know how hard I've been working my ass off?! And then I get a call saying there's reporters looking for you!" Neal shouted.

I nodded my head as I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I know... I'm sorry." I said as I licked my lips.

"Are you?! Are you really?! Then you show up with two big ass bodyguards that follow you everywhere." He said as he leaned against his desk, "listen Bailey, what happened is completely shitty. It's something that shouldn't happen to anymore-"

"Cut it out!" I finally yelled, "I-I'm sick and tired of hearing that freaking lie! Like okay I get it it's not supposed to happen to me but it did, I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine! Just stop giving me the pity that I don't need! Yell at me for hours but not for another second comfort me!" I yelled as I stood up. He widened his eyes at my sudden outburst, "just tell me what I have to do now! Okay?! You're my manager, if you're going to make me famous, then make me famous, if you're going to yell at me, then yell at me, if you're going to give up on me then do it! Just tell me straight up!"

There was a moment of silence before the door was quickly burst opened.

"Everything okay in here?" Jack asked as they both walked in.

"No it's okay, I'll be out in a bit." I said as I gave them a small smile.

They gave a firm nod and walked out before closing the door.

"Fine I wont comfort you." Neal said as he crossed his arms, "but we're behind on schedule, way behind. You weren't here to made the decision so I signed you to a record label, listen... not the best, but apparently you're not either." I furrowed my eyebrows at his rude comment, "we need to drop at least a single before April and an album before May." He said, "I also hired a publicist."

"Publicist?" I asked.

"A person that's in charge of your public image, they promote you and help you launch new music." He said as he walked around his desk and over to his phone, "Hey Liz, send in Jasper." He ordered.

"Jasper is great." Neal said as he walked over to my side, "we need to come to an agreement with your songs."

I nodded my head, "yeah I agree." I said quietly.

"Bailey, you've missed so much... I don't even know where to start again."

"I know." I sighed at there was a sudden knock on the door.

Neal walked over to the door and opened it. I heard a small conversation being held as the door closed and I looked up to see something I wasn't expecting.

Jasper was not a guy at all like I thought it would be instead she was a women looking no older than mid 30's. She was tall and very slim, she had short blonde hair and a pair of grey eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jasper." She introduced herself.

"I'm Bailey." I said quietly.

"Great, now let's get down to business." Neal said as he motioned is to sit down. He walked around to sit on his chair and flipped through pages in his notebook.

"First things first... get you out to the public eye how about we put you into a relationship with someone?" Jasper asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what?" I asked.

"That's a great idea." Neal agreed.

"Let me go over the list of eligible men-"

"No, no way. I just got out of a marriage for God's sake." I said angrily as I looked at them back and forth.

"You told me not to take it easy on you." Neal said sternly.

"I know but engaging me into a relationship isn't something I'm going to put up with. I know that most relationships in LA are fake but that doesn't mean I want to be part of it." I said.

Jasper let out a small sigh, "Okay then let's go crazy. Let's have her go to auditions."

"Auditions for what?" Neal asked.

"Movies, commercials, music videos, let's get her out there Neal. She modeled for Calvin Klein and from what you told me she had no practice and no experience. You threw her into the sea and she swam safely to shore. She's a natural." Jasper said, "let's take advantage from that, get her more modeling opportunities, sure the critics with be rude and probably bias but get her out there."

"You're right." Neal said as he nodded his head, "Bailey, skip your morning workout and come straight here no later than 6:00am." He said.

I nodded my head, "Okay." I had no choice but to agree.

"We'll make her a star for sure." Jasper smiled.


I want to apologize... I've really been lacking on my game but I promise now that I'm here and updates will come frequently. Also so much stuff has happened, Kiggy passed away😔 and Jc's moving out. It's all going to work out like it should.

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