26. "It"

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We spent the whole day cleaning the entire house and taking endless showers to get the smell of bear and throw up off. It was disgusting. By nightfall we actually went to the movie theaters to watch a new scrary movie about a killer clown. I'm not crazy about movies if I'm being totally honest I've actually only been to a real movie theatre a few times, maybe twice.

I hate scary movies more than anything else in the world. I don't understand how some people find it fun to sit in a dark and in a cold room while there's a goddam clown popping up and scaring the crap out of you. I just don't understand. I know it's all fake but I can't shake the fear off. If I wasn't scared of clowns before I sure as hell am now.

"I have an idea" Bobby whispered as he pulled my arm. We had just gotten home from the movie theater and Franny, Harrison, Cristy, Alice, Kian, and especially Anderson were over the edge about the clown.

"What?" I whispered back as he closed the room door.

"Let's scare them" Bobby whispered.

I looked at him, "how?" I asked.

Corey and Jc were also in the room smiling like the clown from the movie.

He pulled out a mask from one of drawer along with a yellow coat. I felt my heart drop but I smiled as I slapped my forehead with my hand.

"Let's do it" I chuckled, "god they're going to get a heart attack" I said excitedly, "wait my freaking daughter is in that room"

"She'll be fine, she probably won't even notice" Bobby said.

"I could dramatize her for life.." I trailed off, "she needs s little scare too" I said as I giggled.

We planned it out for about five minutes. Bobby had already did something to franny's sliding door. It was Corey's job to get everyone in there while Bobby and I tried to get out of the house without anyone seeing us. Jc was already in position inside the room.

I slipped on the mask and grabbed the bat.

"You better get all this" I whispered to Bobby. He gave me a thumbs up as I stood outside of the room. I could hear them talking about how freaked out they were.

"Go" Bobby whispered.

I clenched my fist and started banging on the window. I held in a laugh as Anderson let out a surprised gasp. I could hear Alice let out a scream. I ran over to the sliding door and did as we planned. Jc was already there waiting, pretending to be scared. I tried my best to reach up and put him in a choke hold. He fell onto the floor as I ran inside the room.

They were all screaming hysterically as Bobby filmed it all. Franny, Anderson and Cristy hid inside the bathroom as Alice dropped to the floor covering her head with her arms. I could hear Emie crying while Bobby laughed hysterically. I could hear Kian screaming from inside the bathroom.

"My kid!" I heard Cristy yell from the bathroom.

Harrison wasn't even moving he was just screaming. I couldn't help it anymore. I broke down laughing. I pulled the hood down and took off the mask. I clenched my stomach as I fell back onto Franny's bed.

"Bailey what the fuck" Alice said as she held a hand up to her chest.

"I.. I- oh my god" Franny said speechless as she put her hands up to her face.

"That worked out perfectly!" Jc said as he walked back into the room.

"Oh my god love!" Harrison said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Bailey" Anderson said breathless as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I wasn't even scared" kian said as he waved it off.

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