2. "Boys will be Boys"

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I finished putting away all the toys and folded a few blankets before sitting down on a very small chair. I rubbed my face and hunched over while letting out a loud sigh.

My phone started ringing and I had no intention to answer but I felt forced.

"Hello?" I asked as I put my hand on my

"Hey Bailey, how are you?" Alice asked.

I smiled, "I'm fine. How's everything over there?" I asked.

"Everything is super good, how's Emie?" Cristy asked, I must be on speaker, I wonder who else is around.

"She's good, we've been having a lot of fun" I said, "she came with me to work today because Tyler couldn't take care of her"

"We actually wanted to tell you something"
Alice started, "its Emie's birthday in a couple of days and we were thinking maybe the two of you should come to LA"

I shook my head, "I don't think that's a good idea" I said, "if you really want to be with her on her birthday I'll take her to you but I don't want to stay" I said.

"Bailey it'll only be for a couple of days" Alice said, "we've met amazing people here, I bet you'll love them" 

"I bet they're amazing and I bet they leave a trail of sparkles and candy but I'm very busy" I said.

"Bailey.. I know the real reason why you don't want to come, it's only been a year and it's really fuckin hard to forget everything you and that jackass went through together-"

"Listen, I've completely moved on. I built this character for myself, it took time but now I'm stronger and I don't let silly things like that get to me anymore" I said.

"So what? You're a brick wall now? And won't let anyone in?" Cristy asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "maybe so" I said.

"Come on Bailey, he's actually not here. He went on a vacation. He won't be back for another two weeks" Alice explained.

"I don't know" I said as I bit the inside of my lip.

"Just for a week" Cristy begged.

I sighed and thought for minute, "just a week"
I repeated.

"Really?" Cristy asked excitedly, "okay! Yes!" She cheered.

"I'll be there on Monday" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Okay see you then, love you" Alice said.

"Bye" I said and hanged up.

I let out a sigh as I placed my face between my hands. What did I get myself into? It's Saturday and I have tomorrow to pack.

"I'm finally he- oh.. are you okay?" My co-worker walked in and probably thought I was crying since I had my face buried between my hands.

I looked up at her, "I'm not crying I was just thinking" I said.

"Oh" she smiled, "well you can go home now, I'll see you tomorrow" she said.

"All the kids are asleep, try not to wake them" I said as I grabbed my purse and walked over to Emie who was asleep on a chair, "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight" she whispered.

"Goodnight" I said as I picked up Emie and walked out of the door.

Emie is very tiny for being six years old. She fits perfectly in my small arms and doesn't cause any trouble to carry her from the daycare room to the parking lot.

"Bailey" my mother called out from behind me just as I was about to walk out of the hospital.

"I didn't know you were still working" I said.

"There was an emergency surgery" she explained, "how's everything at home?" She asked.

I nodded my head, "everything is fine. Mother there was actually something I was meaning to tell you" I said, "Alice called, and as you know it's Emie's birthday in a few days and they wanted me to fly out to LA for a week"

"You have so much to do here Bailey, you have to take care of your husband. He's your responsibility now" she said.

"Mother he's a grown man" I sighed, "he can take care of himself, Cristy wants to spend Emie's birthday with her"

"Maybe you can take this opportunity to sign yourself up with a manager.." she thought out loud, "yes you should go"

"Mother, I don't think the career you want me to have is reachable. It's almost impossible to make it in such a huge industry" I explained.

"Nothing is impossible Bailey" she said, "now go home and pack, ill talk to your father about all this" she said.

"Okay, goodnight" I said as I turned around and walked away.


I got home and carried Emie up the stairs and into her room. I let out a small breath as I tucked her in.

I walked into my room and pulled out a large suitcase. I started packing clothes. Since the wedding I started focusing on one thing, my appearance. It's almost like a hobby to distract myself from anything else that's going on. I got really into style and beauty. I learned how to do my makeup flawlessly and how to color coordinate my outfits. I packed my favorite shoes and put all my makeup in small travel size bags and stuffed them in my suitcase. My suitcase was completely full and I still didn't have half. I sighed in frustration.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up to see Tyler standing at the doorway. He had his white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his eyebrows and black dress pants. He looked exhausted and frustrated.

"I'm packing" I said as I looked at my suitcase.

"For what?" He asked, "you can't just go-"

"I don't remember asking you" I snapped as I zipped my suitcase and put it aside.

"I just got back from work, I'm exhausted. Please don't pick a fight" he said as he rubbed his face.

"I'm not starting anything" I said as I took out another suitcase from the closet.

He took off his watch and put it aside, "you obviously are and why are you just telling me now that you're flying to LA"

"I just found out myself too" I said as I opened my second suitcase and started putting in more of my personal things.

I have to call someone to drive my car to LA because I'm not trying to rent a car or walk from place to place.

I started walking out of the room but Tyler grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"You're not going to LA" he said.

I let out a sigh, "I didn't ask for permission" I said.

"Why are you so angry with me?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You seriously have to ask?" I chuckled, "next time you want to put your hands on me think about it twice because I will hurt you in a different way, but it'll hurt just as bad" I said as I pushed past him, "and next time you come home make sure you don't have red lipstick on the collar of your shirt, I'm really tired of washing it off" I said as I walked away.

Childish boys.

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