24. "KnJ Birthday Bash"

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I looked good. Blue eyeliner, different but it looked phenomenal. But that's wasn't on my mind the only thing was...

Don't get black out drunk. Don't mix your alcohol. Dont drink too much.

Okay I was drinking a little too much. It just happened, next thing you know I'm taking my fifth shot. I could feel it getting to be me but I tried so hard to keep it down.

This party was amazing, the music was fantastic and the food was delicious. Well I don't know what the food was I just ate whatever people gave me.

Okay I was a little drunk, but can you blame me? I'm a nineteen year old with a struggling music career, I have a husband who I'm forcing myself to love and he hits me, and adding onto that I have a child, and then to top it all of I have my ex dancing right next to me acting like nothing ever happened between us while his girlfriend is dancing with me.

"I love this!" I yelled through the music as I took another sip off my drink.

"I love life!" Alice yelled as she hung onto Cristy.

"Kian and Jc's Birthday Bash bitches!" Cristy yelled as she struggled to hold herself up.

I felt my body go numb once the song changed and my Queen Beyoncé started playing. I widened my eyes as I let out a loud scream.

"This is my song!" I yelled as I began dancing, "my inner Beyoncé is coming out!"

"Go Bailey, go Bailey, go Bailey!" Franny yelled as she recorded me.

"Who run the world? Girls!" I sang as I did my crazy dance moves.

"Thats perfect!" Franny laughed.

"Happy birthday Kian, I just want you to know that I love you!" I said as I held onto his arm.

"Thank you Bails!" She smiled as he hugged me.

"Okay move, I need a shot" I said as I pushed past him. I completely spilled my drink that I had in my hand. I walked over to a table that had bottles of alcohol on them. All I've been drinking is vodka.. don't mix your drinks. I'm really craving Hennessy though, just a little taste.

"Screw it" I said as I poured myself a large amount of henny into my red cup, for all they know it could be water.

I squinted my eyes as I looked over at two very sketchy guys huddled together and rubbing their noses with the back of their hands. I walked over to them while holding onto people.

"What the hell are you two doing?" I asked, "were you guys even invited?" I asked.

"We were actually" one of them said.

"You didn't answer my question, what are you two doing over here?" I asked again.

They shrugged their shoulders, "I don't know, standing. Enjoying the party" the other idiot said.

"How about drugs? You two sniffed something and now you guys have that idiotic donkey face" I said annoyed.

"What are you gonna do? Tell? This is a party. Do you want some?" He asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip from my drink.

"You want some don't you?" One of them asked.

I let out a laugh, "drugs? No way. I would never go past weed" I said.

"Listen, what we took is a little stronger-"

"Too fucking strong" the other guy interrupted.

"But I can give you something a little less.. open your mouth" he said.

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